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Everything posted by mjw

  1. Brought in for a week to force Spicer and Priebus out?
  2. In the time it takes England fast bowler Stuart Broad to bowl an over, the equivalent of four rubbish trucks' worth of plastic is dumped into the ocean. Its the Oval that's behind it and Sky have got onboard. They are doing away with plastic pint glasses and making water refills available instead of bottled water.
  3. I thought Root getting the captaincy might put an end to these long waits for a declaration. How many do they need?
  4. That's the police distancing themselves from his speech advocating rough treatment while detaining people.
  5. Do you mean independence support or just SNP support?
  6. He used to be pure smut but over the last few years he's gone full racist. The same could be said for a few million people in this country sadly.
  7. Its OK the right wing media have got this covered.
  8. Is this going to go down as the windiest summer ever? I can remember making a journey on my bike where I haven't been battered at some point by the wind.
  9. So would you be if you were 8miles imaginary friend.
  10. Bannon has refused press requests to comment. What a world indeed.
  11. Some length of a post that to basically say - Ruth = good SNPbad.
  12. He doesn't see much further than the next episode of Fox and friends.
  13. As long as he doesn't break his head again that's outstanding news.
  14. I had one at work recently. The nurse weighed me in all my work clothes (boots and all) and then tells me I'm overweight cos BMI said so.
  15. You'll need to wait till a week on Sunday like everyone else Pedro.
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