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Everything posted by mjw

  1. That'll be the 'fake news' who are standing in a hurricane reporting on it. He'll helicopter in all billy big baws when it has passed.
  2. Its angry enough without people shooting at it.
  3. If you just always assume Galloway is taking shite,you'll rarely be wrong.
  4. They were on about it on MSNBC this morning and how it would be a 'good thing' if it hit Cuba first to take some of the power out of it. I didn't catch the Cuban news to see their view on this.
  5. He rang it in the last test match at Lords. Is it something you can do again?
  6. Oh look he's back with his wee names/insults. The Bennett of the politics forum.
  7. Compared to the shit that surrounds the ugly sisters it was an absolute picnic.
  8. 'Modern day Scotland we hate them and they hate us' Remember these are the same clowns who claim the referendum was 'divisive'
  9. He's already in tin foil wrapped room.
  10. If only the anti abortion conservative types gave as much of a f**k about the child once it is actually born. If its not going to Eton or inheriting the family pile it doesn't seem to be as important to them.
  11. Those three will have enough in the bank to make sure none of this shambles will affect them. The plebs will pay a heavier price though.
  12. Its already been posted on here that an America President can have nuclear weapons fired within minutes. They won't be running around seeking all sorts of peoples views if there are any headed their way.
  13. There doesn't seem to be much that misses that country. I was in The Dominican republic a few years back when a hurricane passed off the coast. It then hit Haiti with everything it had.
  14. That's bad. Maybe not as bad as the time they used a David Guetta concert to justify ticket prices though.
  15. For the next four years it probably wouldn't be a bad thing.
  16. He's helicoptered in and out yet can't help having a pop at the media who have been there since before the hurricane even hit the US. The other thing that you'll notice from his public slavverings is there are always police,military,coastguard etc nodding and laughing along with his full retard nonsense.
  17. Just did a leg workout from Kris Gethins 12 wk program. For the first time in many years I've came out the gym ready to puke.
  18. walked across the new bridge then went up to Burntisland. One of the better days weather we've had and it comes in September.
  19. If I had a shift with Natalie I'm not sure I'd be able to speak.
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