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Everything posted by mjw

  1. This was discussed on 'Morning Joe' yesterday. Trump never expected to get the Republican nomination far less the presidency, the whole thing was a massive publicity stunt that has ran out of control. Its going to end with someone called Donald Trump getting the jail and Jr seems to have gone very quiet recently.
  2. He also got a bit of product placement for the hat he was wearing.
  3. The headline I've woke up to is around 18 deaths and mass evacuations. Its still a headline though that he sees absolutely everything as a campaign rally.
  4. We won't see it on Fox news now either. They are pulling their transmission in the UK due to poor ratings.
  5. The new bridge not having a walkway/cycle path seems to have given them a SNP bad angle.
  6. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b092f4j7
  7. A woman murdered by the master race passed off as 'kicking up a fuss' A new video released over the weekend showing a member of the master race pointing a gun at 'N*****s' (his words) Kicking up a fuss though.
  8. I put terrarium on mine recently but I've never had a chance to really use it. I caught up with Ray Donovan on it though and it looked decent enough.
  9. And golf buggies on the odd occasion he gets a round in.
  10. http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/15497347.Tom_Gordon__Ruth_Davidson__39_s_party_management_problems/ Still manages to finish that article with a slice of SNPbad.
  11. Wait till he starts throwing his pardons around like confetti when all his family and friends are outed as Russian puppets.
  12. And is still 10x the poster that degenerate Magee will ever be.
  13. Kodi is simple to load onto a firestick. I've always been amazed by some of the money people pay for pre loaded sticks/boxes when it only cost £30 for a firestick and takes minutes to do it yourself.
  14. People in the line of hurricane Harvey are going to be relying on the news for the next few days. The same news their president calls unamerican and enemies of the people.
  15. Double and triple time on a Saturday doesn't sound right either.
  16. Must be a sickener fighting a war for 16 years and watching the Chinese stroll in and start taking the minerals out the country. Making China great again.
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