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Everything posted by mjw

  1. There's a first time for everything then.
  2. Trump claimed HE was being tapped by Obama. You've just twisted the latest news into your own fake story.
  3. As someone said on twitter- it turns out bots don't do rallys.
  4. Bad idea.We did that with Australia. The fuckers sent us neighbours and Rolf Harris in revenge.
  5. You'd cut the acts of terror by a huge % if you deported the criminals who are descended from white immigrants though. Then you can start on the muslamics and their ray guns.
  6. The OP unravelling in the Brendan Rodgers thread. Shite teams and crap towns seems to be his standard reply to any post.
  7. Your argument falls apart as soon as you check who predominately commits acts of terror in the US.
  8. I seen them at Fir Park in the early eighties. They had George Best 'playing' for them,he lasted about 5 minutes before going off injured/hungover.
  9. These three are where one of the most powerful men in the world gets his Intel from.
  10. 7 of those 27 are about tipping though. The other 20 is some sort of university challenged dick waving competition.
  11. He's more upset at the republican party for driving him into the arms of the Democrats. The tide is definitely turning though as the right wing media realise they backed an independent President.
  12. Its all been a a handy distraction to the fact that your Ann Coulter's and Sean hannitys and laura Ingram's etc.. have all been throwing the toys out because Trump has turned his back on the 12% of Americans who want to deport the 'dreamers'
  13. I put it off when Hately-Brewer called Will Self patronising. Hello pot meet kettle.
  14. Don't know what 'MSM' you are watching. Mike Flynn seems to be big news on a few US channels this morning. Probably not on Faux News though,they'll be all about the black guy and emails.
  15. Probably best to wait until the three Russia investigations run their course before trumpeting the end of the Russia narrative.
  16. Bannon is just a white nationalist blogger again,isn't he?
  17. Sounds pretty random. Easy mistake to make IMO.
  18. "Was reading the papers in Asda earlier the descriptions next to the names of who died and a lot of them look to have been killed by the nuns - brain haemorrhage's, fractured skulls, burst organs etc sick catholic b*****ds " I wonder if he hid some Celtic cakes after reading the papers in Asda.
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