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Everything posted by EdgarusQPFC

  1. So far summed up perfectly, but that brilliant episode started weakly too and quickly got good
  2. Oh R-Truth...... Yay but this just got more interesting, slaughter this has been
  3. It made for one of the most exciting episodes in a long time.
  4. Burd in the final was alright
  5. It's a belter mate, the way his head snaps back on impact, bloody hell! I remember Funaki came out again solo after that one!
  6. Pretty much at the end of the episode and i have to agree with alot of what everyones saying here, The Barrett->Miz->Barret title changes in the past 2 weeks arent doing the belt any favors, Barrett winning the belt back within 24 hours makes the whole build up to that match and the title change worthless. Kingston is stuck as a 5 minute pre/post Wrestlemania commentator and mid card tired gimmick without a belt around his waist. The whole Ghana/Jamaica thing just makes his gimmick confusing. Dont get me wrong, i do like Kingstons style in the ring, he's energetic, his kicks are excellent and hes brilliantly agile, theres plenty of physical talent in the lad, and i still think his unqiue method of trying to keep in the RR this year was inspired and one of the highlights. Stick a solid gimmick behind him and i think he could break his lower midcard status. The Ryback promo was solid, builds his motivation well and leads to a potentially great match up. Unsure about the CM Punk one tho. Oh and 3MB/Shield, please no! Dont waste the shield on 3MB, tho i would like to see that idea of a 3MB shite copycat routine, it could be pretty amusing, reminds me of Taka/Funaki trying to interfere in the 2000 Royal Rumble and getting their arses handed to them again and again, something like that would be brilliant, but have the shield simply not acknoledge it to frustrate them into further and further stupid attacks leading to even bigger beatings and culminate it with a tag match in a few months where its a no contest and the shield wipe the floor with them and continue on thier way. Why are they wasting Cesaro tho? He's becoming another Ziggler, the guy is amazing and needs to be bunked up to top card ASAP. Whats with Mark Henry randomly attacking Sheamus? Is he already out of title consideration? Are they gonna waste the two of them in a pointless feud? Overall tho a pretty decent Raw, nothing on last week and the crowd was pathetic. Oh and Pushing the Fandango thing that shitely? Pathetic, heres hoping the O2 brings it back in style!
  7. Finally getting around to watching this weeks Raw, a pretty bad stomach flu left me unable to watch monday night, hoping it will be good. I dunno what it is exactly about raw these days that im enjoying, but its keeping me watching regardless.
  8. Any good tonight? I might watch the repeat at 1am if it is
  9. I used to be a big critic of Ryback as that's all he used to do, same match every week. Don't think he even needs promos at all, the way he fights just seems to get the crowds fired up. Whatever they are doing, it works brilliantly with him.
  10. Wrestling memes on Facebook has been making some good meme's with last nights Raw. Even a bit of Recognition fron Ziggler himself
  11. That ended very well. The best Raw this year, and one of the most entertaining ive watched in a long time. Ziggler finally cashing in was amazing, Shield vs Taker, Kane & Bryan could be a fantastic match if it happens, That fantastic crowd tonight, then that ending. Superb!
  12. I'll say it again, i fucking love this crowd
  13. Amazing crowd tonight, id love a crowd like this every week
  14. YES! Taker, Kane and Bryan! vs Shield?? This Raw has gotten fucking brilliant in 10 minutes
  15. Those 2 minutes, better than most of this year IMO
  16. Fair play to the WWE, that was done perfectly! Everyone went fucking mental, the fans loved every second! Im so chuffed, i was as loud as the audience there when the music hit, im still buzzing!
  17. I really want him to cash in tonight, but knowing the WWE, they wont give the fans what they want.
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