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Everything posted by LongTimeLurker

  1. Maybe there was something to Hearts having grounds for legal action after all then, because why would the OF demand the Eccentrica Gallumbits scenario otherwise?
  2. Using trialists late in the season that had already been released from their contracts by other clubs wasn't against the rules at the time so your club did nothing wrong.
  3. Nothing against Buckie beyond a slight visceral level reaction to the sight of green and white hoops where Thistle are concerned. Was basically joking with that bit. The goalie as a trialist angle seems to be within the rules and hence fair game. Think there's a major leap in logic on moving from that to Glencairn's secretary masterminding the abandoned game scenario but the truth is out there....
  4. FW outright withdrew rather than playing the games under protest so it's difficult to see how they have a leg to stand on at this point. Have seen it mentioned that the matter has gone to independent judicial review like Brora and Kelty's playoff participation did at the end of 2020-21 rather than being with the SFA.
  5. Something to bear in mind is that the area most of the fighting is in right now in the Donbas was very much Yanukovych country pre-2014 and has a very large portion of the population that isn't just Russophone but has always identified as being ethnically Russian rather than Ukrainian even in Soviet times. It's not a safe assumption that the population in the Donbas would actually vote for Kiev rather than Moscow control if it was put to a free and fair referendum because Ukrainian nationalist parties perform dismally in this part of Ukraine in elections. What's shocking for Putin and people with his sort of mindet is that does not appear to also hold true nowadays for Kharkiv and Odesa, which is why the maximal goals of his invasion failed miserably.
  6. Thread that's worth a read for the more sober version of what's happening in the here and now explaining why losing Popasna has led to a slow unravelling of a significant portion of Ukraine's remaining hold on the Donbas:
  7. Guess they are running short of pilots in a big way if he got called back as a reservist at that age after doing something like that. I'd take all the twitter stuff about advances on Vovchansk with a pinch of salt. When an ITN reporter actually visited that area the Donets river was described as the frontline and it was made clear that there were snipers on the far bank.
  8. This is a burning issue for people from Buckie right now? Difficult to see how the outcome isn't ultimately 3-0 Glenafton and Glencairn's secretary is far from the only person capable of spotting a constitutional loophole so the reasoning being outlined for the scenario you are peddling is flimsy at best. The Vics' key goals on travelling to New Cumnock were probably to avoid a fine for failing to show up with enough players to fulfill a fixture and possibly to engineer a scenario in which they could still get to watch the Rangers game. Doubt Glencairn and Benburb's predicament was much of a factor in any of it.
  9. Benburb going down with a positive goal difference would be very unusual if it happens.
  10. It's taken a while for some footage to appear that suggests the American switchblade drones are actually making a difference:
  11. Did the WoS league not knock back an attempt to have a BSC Glasgow B team by having a no reserve team policy when applications were being taken? Think that ultimately just led to BSC Glasgow telling their A team to take a hike.
  12. It isn't exactly hard going to install something like this: the small modular designs that are readily available these days don't take long to install.
  13. Livingston maybe given it was built as a new town to accomodate Glasgow overspill to a significant extent but the rest of West Lothian is very much east coast in terms of the local lingo used.
  14. prorege again on nonleaguematters: https://www.nonleaguematters.co.uk/forums/index.php?threads/edinburgh-city-back-to-meadowbank.4059/page-4 I have been told that the SPFL have rejected the New Meadowbank as a suitable venue. Significant work to be done to bring it up to standard. What he leaves out is that they already have planning permission sorted for an additional stand on the far side so additional work is already expected to be done.
  15. In another couple of seasons time almost all of this season's Conference X will probably have moved onto higher divisions and entering the EoS will no longer mean being in a West Lothian division. Maybe a few Borders clubs like Selkirk, Eyemouth, Duns and Kelso will give senior football a whirl again once Tweedmouth and Hawick are in their natural habitat and they wouldn't be getting humped 15-0 in mismatched conferences? What happened wasn't ideal but things have a way of sorting themselves out where the pyramid is concerned. Only 7 or 8 years ago Tom Johnston was still banging on about 100k toilet blocks.
  16. Not surprised. You would have been looking at 5000 or so for a junior cup final between these clubs in the not too distant past but giving a cup a south branding just doesn't resonate the same way. Hopefully the blazers knock the junior vs senior stuff on the head and get some sort of national nonleague cup sorted out soon as the flagship cup tournament for the nonleague portion of the pyramid.
  17. There was somebody from that club posting on here about interest in the WoS back in early 2020 when applications for the new league were still open.
  18. Did I annoy you with something I posted on a Brechin City thread or something? If you have something intelligent to say about the actual topic and Scottish infrastructure I'll respond further, otherwise please stop wasting my time.
  19. No idea what you are on about at this point given I wrote the following: ...with what might have been doable in the long term future if a Faroese approach had been adopted. Here's what the Faroese have in mind for an island with a population of just under 5,000 people: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suðuroyartunnilin https://kvf.fo/greinar/2020/02/05/minister-suduroy-tunnel-ready-2030
  20. At some point though and it's probably quite soon they do need to come to terms with it or their NCL participation for next season may not happen if they fail to show up for that league's AGM and they could be out of senior football altogether.
  21. Not sure if you are being sarcastic with that last bit, but Conference X was placed in a false position (making no comment on who was to blame for that) in terms of the playing calibre of most of the clubs involved. It will probably take around 5 years for all the clubs involved in Conference X this season to find their appropriate level in the new four divisions EoS format but the seasons will soon pass and it will happen with clubs that are now higher than they really should be heading in the opposite direction. It's not at all clear what was achieved by keeping Craigroyston, Ormiston, Newburgh and Hawick at the second division level for next season but it is only delaying the inevitable.
  22. translation: we are ready to help you retake Transnistria, you've got our number why don't you use it...
  23. That isn't a record breaking 100 mile tunnel so where are you going with this post? Massive subsidies get poured into ferry services over the course of the 30 to 40 years a ferry gets used for so the Faroese and Norwegian mentality is that you are better off in the long run spending all of that money up front on a fixed link that can be used 24/7. Meanwhile in Scotland we are not able to sort out fixed links for stretches of water like Lerwick to Bressay or at the northern end of Bute that are golf shot sort of distances.
  24. The Russians managed to breakthrough the Ukrainian 2014 ceasefire line fortifications at Popasna, so if the failed pontoon bridge where they recently lost about 80 armoured vehicles and 500 men on the Northern Donets river at Bilohorivka had worked, the Ukrainians would have been facing another Mariupol scenario. It will take longer for the Russians to encircle Severodonetsk and Lysychansk from only the Popasna direction but the Russian army could have one last major victory there. Think the target was dorlomin as a Rangers fan shortly after the Scottish Cup victory because he was pointing out to the resident far left types (correctly IMO) that Putin is not leading a leftist crusade against global capitalism and neo-Nazi influence in Ukraine but a right wing populist kleptocracy that has its own skeletons in the cupboard where far right politics is concerned.
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