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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Why should a team who've won 2 from 7 away beat a side who've won 5 from 7 at home?
  2. Fair play to you but I couldn't clutter up my day with shite like that appearing on my social media pages if I had them.
  3. Just the norm, I had to pay my cut of £5200 for a hundred or so roof tiles, scaffolding is expensive was the council reply, 2 days of a 6 metre tower costs buttons and a new roof would have cost £6/£8k, the less councils get their hands on the better as far as I'm concerned, incompetent at best, crooked b*****ds at worst.
  4. I've never walked in the shoes of anyone from Barnsley.
  5. That was my point, it wasn't at you it just gets on my tits how the MSM and their chums make out a loss of 2 or 3 quid a week is a disaster to someone on £50k£60k, I'm sure anyone out there on a decent income can save more than that during the 1st 5 minutes of their weekly shop just by being smarter.
  6. Murdo is a fuckwit of the highest order, time will tell where Leonard comes on the scale, I certainly wouldn't allow Murdo to push my shopping trolley.
  7. You've got to laugh at how selfish folk are, I want want want but I'm not paying a couple of quid to protect those things I want, I happily pay my local garage a few quid more a week for fuel to ensure I have a local garage. People really need to get a grip and realise the mess the great UK is in.
  8. I'm more disappointed with the performance of her side railing against other Yessers than I am seeing her getting ripped, the far left are an irrelevance that we can all do without.
  9. There's a whole lot of heart in that photo. Ruben Olivares,Chucho Castillo, Evan Armstrong & Jose Medel...1968. Strumming guitar is Lionel Rose
  10. Is that your team talk for today? Totally agree right enough, my auld uncle took a few poundings in his career but his heart was never questioned, I can't imagine what it's like to get up off your stool 12 or 15 times when you're getting nowhere and someone's trying to batter your brains in.
  11. We've not been playing scintillating stuff in recent weeks but we have been showing the will to win of prospective champions. Far more interesting so far than last seasons shambles from both of us.
  12. It really wasn't that great a fight to watch.
  13. Hand injury they say, bottle job I say. David Haye' toe was sorer. He'll be fighting at the Gaiety next.
  14. Why is it infuriating, we were 8 points behind them before we won those 8 games.
  15. Hardly a disaster, it would have been a disaster if a new bridge wasn't built.
  16. His UKAD hearing due in a few weeks.
  17. What gives you the impression that I agree?
  18. ffs, most clubs Ayr play aren't far away, Dundee is just up the road not the other end of the planet.
  19. Because they're his pals and he's not getting humped regularly, I certainly wouldn't be chuffed if we were getting gubbed regularly and he was on the radio.
  20. There will be a fair bit of truth in what he's saying but it's not something I'd say as the real(might all be) victims will take it as an attack on them, they've probably had more than their share of bad times over it without some celeb throwing their tuppence worth in.
  21. A fair point but not the sort that should pass your own lips.
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