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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Do all these teams actually receive huge travelling supports for normal league games?
  2. From what I've seen of private involvement in the NHS it's all about profiteering/empire building and very little about improving the service, we're missing targets on NHS and education while theirs appear to be a shambles.
  3. I knew the game was on last night(2-2 the last I heard) but I do agree with the gist of his post, there are plenty of times over a season where there's no mention of diddy results in their news and sports section while we appear doomed to watch every single England game serious or not, maybe just my indy mind but it feels like we're just getting slowly conditioned by these fuckers at times.
  4. Unfortunately nobody gives a f**k about East Fife v Alloa and the country of their paymasters give us roughly 10% of our population. We only got to see Scotland on ITV because they were playing England.
  5. In Scotland it's only about the SNP, they're the only show that matters for the next 4 or 5 years. Down south the Tories will be Tories, their pals,family etc would all get the secret nod about where to invest their cash.
  6. Perhaps these countries,leaders and people have a more civic all in it together sort of mentality, the business folk with serious cash and influence in this country prefer to influence voters to suit their agendas, they ain't helping the SNP any time soon.
  7. It will still be a racket, do you honestly think this world is full of philanthropic investors just waiting to hand over their hard-earned to help out governments they're not always going to agree with for little reward.
  8. Aye, look where the Private Finance Initiative took us.
  9. It would be fine if he was fishing but that shit being posted on these threads is really an "any attention is better than none" post rather than fishing.
  10. It appears to be rife in journalism up here in general, I pretty often sit and question why the f**k certain obviously wrong statements are allowed to go unchallenged.
  11. That's even more fans that can cram into The Shyberry or whatever the f**k it's called at the moment.
  12. I'd begin with the big jag and worry about comprehension later, he apparently doesn't realise that colt teams and feeder teams are one and the same, daft auld b*****d.
  13. Ach, I feel for the boy, he's well into politics(wish everyone was), he wants to take an active roll in politics and he really believes in liberal values, there's only one party where he can hope to have all three and he's just left it on a very large point of principle, I'll never knock anyone for sticking up for their principles but on this issue I think he'd have been better hanging around and using his tediousness as a strength to continually point out the absurdity of the parties illiberal stance on certain issues until they changed their stance. The LibDems appear to be doing a Labour and abandoning the core principles their party is founded on, as we can see with Labour, it's a disastrous path to take in the long term.
  14. He was rippling about it when he replied to VT the other day.
  15. In all honesty, it's the job of the government to make contingency plans not anyone else, that was 2 referendums in 21 months where those holding power never made plans for a reversal.
  16. Would you invest you're hard-earned with the amount of info May & Co are dishing out, I wouldn't.
  17. I feel your pain, you've had a hellish few months, 1st the mouthpiece outwits our establishment then the hairpiece outwits the US establishment then you're asked to take a big TELT from the ring piece for appearing to soften his parties position, it's no wonder you took your wet snottery ball home with you.
  18. Probably because you failed to word it properly, nae luck, AdLie will sound ok after you've had a wee word with Kez.
  19. Hmm, how large a part did you helping gift the Tories and MSM a tap in have to play in your decision.
  20. I think he just didn't realise that you need to take incremental steps rather than big leaps in policy.
  21. I think it was the humiliation derived from the badly drafted motion that's done it, his Trump breakdown couldn't have been easy either.
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