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Everything posted by ayrmad

  1. Darts has never been a beauty pageant, and there has been nobody worse at counting in TV darts than the bloke with the gold.
  2. Chisnall's the 1st youngster I've seen in a long time that looks capable of breaking into the higher echelons of the PDC, like his throwing style, although unusually he kept altering it in the 5th set, hopefully just playing for time to concentrate on the 6th set(not a great strategy, but one employed by others in the past), his speed of throw is the only real draw-back I've witnessed in his game, if he can maintain his game against a really slow player or someone slowing down deliberately then there's nothing to stop him apart from himself IMO. Get out there son, stop hiding your light under a bushell.
  3. The wife is fair disappointed with her unexpected couple of inches this morning.
  4. Adams hasn't got the bottle to do well in the PDC, he needs more shots at a double than Saddam used to go through, in darts speak, he's got to big a tail.
  5. Not from me, all the greats have came through the BDO.
  6. Anyone who knows their darts knows the difference, good of you to provide the evidence MT. I don't let the gulf take away from the enjoyment of the Lakeside, it's at least good to see the emerging talent coming through as most will still aspire to the Lakeside, although that will disipate through time.
  7. Clear your pipes more often than that.
  8. Any sport that doesn't involve the majority of the top 50 will always lack quality. It's like the World title for County players, and darts no better than county standard.
  9. Glad they showed Trina Gulliver, I've been struggling to sleep for weeks.
  10. He's the man with the biggest set.
  11. If you can walk the walk you can do what the fcuk you like to celebrate, disrespectful or not, it's Taylors way of showing who's the boss and keeping the contenders down.
  12. Carter pummelling tops reminded me of Deller the year he qualified and won it many moons ago, if he can relax and get over his excitement at being at the Lakeside he could go really far this week.
  13. Think The Power will trounce Si tonight.
  14. Certainly didn't look like dartitis to me, but they're saying a week ago he couldn't let the darts go. Remember Bristow averaging about 30 when he tried to play through dartitis. Rab Fotheringham(apologies if the surname's wrong) from Irvine got dartitis when he was regularly getting top 8 finishes, locked himself in his bedroom for 18 months but never regained his standards. Dartitis is probably the only thing that could stop The Power over the next 24 months.
  15. That is the biggest difference between BDO and PDC, Taylor has forced his lot to improve their finishing. Similar to snooker where it was commonplace to fcukabout in the deciding frames until Hendry came along and started finishing deciding frames with century plus breaks, then the rest followed him.
  16. The boy maybe shooting his load to early.
  17. He must like making a twat of himself.
  18. Might be wrong(no surprise there then) but I think Woods changes his image/appearance for The Lakeside.
  19. Waites 1/10, a jolly good lay IMO.
  20. Ollie the chump to his pals, put a SFA blazer on him and see if you notice anything familiar happening up here.
  21. Just shows the difference between blazers running things and proper forward thinking businessmen. Wonder if our football will ever see the light.
  22. Sorry, I was only talking about his 1st match.
  23. Get your cash on Paul Hanvidge, if he's in the mood he'll cruise through, if he's not in the mood he'll get hammered, I think he'll be a value bet at decent odds.
  24. Not saw snow for a while here, yet my street still has 4 inches of fcuking ice on it, my council tax appears to go towards subsidising the main roads in and around Ayr, South Ayrshire Council really are a bunch of good for nothing wnakers.
  25. Never watch the PDC as I don't have Sky, AL and co are kidding themselves on if they think they're the next big thing in darts, there's The Power then there's the rest, b4 he came along you could watch guys in your local playing at a level not far removed from what you saw on the telly, The Power has cranked up the overall standard dramatically over the last 2 decades. Remember watching Ronnie Sharp getting beat in the QF's or Semi's on the Saturday live on TV, then playing like an absolute fud in the Darlington in Ayr on the Sunday in the Ayrshire Super League, he also sweated twice as much at the Darlington than he done on the TV.
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