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Everything posted by Andy_K_97

  1. Are you looking for general images of the team playing that can be found online via an image search or are you after people's own photographs, as in from family photo albums? Don't want that to come across in a condescending way at all Cam, just looking for clarification as I'm sure I'll be able to look into the old photo albums if it's the latter you're after. Since you asked anyway... This is from the Scottish Cup semi-final replay against Dundee United at Easter Road. There's more pics at this link here, best of luck with your project.
  2. It's not like he's got form for embarrassing himself online or anything...
  3. It's not like they've won the last 11 trophies in a row or anything is it? Poor souls.
  4. Formerly known as Rugby Pugby, of course. If we've to have any chance of getting something here Brophy and Kabamba need to start up top together, preferably in a 4-4-2. I have no idea how this will go, but I'm less optimistic about our chances here than I have been in the past with Rangers at RP.
  5. Stinker of a last-minute winner, don't mind The Banter Thiefs (despite their inability to pluralise) but that tune didn't do it for me. Rest of the show was good, Joel's point about Accies was very apt and as per the cutaway segments were good. Don't think Darvel are fooling anyone saying they're not paying their players more etc, my mate played for them for a couple of seasons and got edged out by the lower-league jobbers. They absolutely wouldn't be there if they were on the kind of wages you got at the likes of Craigmark or Lugar.
  6. Poor showing from us today - despite the ref having a total shanner, being far too pernickety about "fouls" that are simply men falling over on both sides etc we were lacking in quality and if Hibs hadn't been given the penalty I expect they'd have been really busting a gut in the second half to try and bury us. As it was the penalty meant Hibs could manage the second half their way and we didn't look like scoring too much at all. Too many anonymous passengers today which will have to change. Can't see us getting much next weekend unless the Liege players who tested positive following their game on Thursday have given it to the Rangers players, and even then...
  7. I always chuckle when I see the wee boy who's chasing after the sheep instead of watching a genuinely world-class team training. Amazing to consider the kind of security that would surround the Brazil players of today in training but I bet those boys would have been able to go right up for autographs after the session.
  8. Can't find the pictures now as it seems to have been deleted, but that fraud AgentScotland going on a mad drunken rant about, well, something has to up there - or should it be down there? Either way, very tinpot.
  9. I don't think Livi will have any trouble at all staying up - I know survival in the top flight is ultimately the base goal for both our teams but Livi have absolutely got the talent and the personnel to achieve it. Will be very surprised if you guys are anywhere near the bottom few places as there was a lot of fight in that performance today and on a different day it could have been 3-3 and nobody would have complained. Add to that, St. Mirren and Accies look like being the dross this year with Motherwell running them close and St. Johnstone doing similarly until their recent glut of goals. As it is, I'm very happy with our performance and while we rode our luck at times, it leaves me feeling optimistic going into a tough couple of games.
  10. Pleasantly surprised by the way this turned out. Started the game poorly but after the Livi goal we took the game by the scruff of the neck and deserved to be ahead at HT. The third goal was a bit of a fluke on our part since McCrorie had a whit's the goalie daein moment, but Kiltie was in the right place at the right time. Defended well for the most part and I'm glad we saw out the game. Our subs were all poor though with the exception of Mulumbu - all 3 of Brophy, McKenzie and Pinnock offered nothing when they came on. Ah well, on to the next one and having to deal with the Hobs boys' "patter" and crap memes for a week until the game itself. Yay.
  11. Given that we're in better form than the republic at present and we're set up to be hard to beat I don't think many teams would fancy playing us - IF we qualify. We're still a long way off it but the next game we play could end up being one of the most important games we ever play as a country. We're far from world-beaters but over the last week and a bit we've seen that this team is one of the most resilient Scotland teams in a long time and can grind out results against difficult opponents. It's taken more time than some would have liked for the manager's methods to bear fruit but the last three games have changed a lot of minds and if we play an unattractive brand of football that actually gets results, makes us qualify for tournaments and doesn't leave us as a laughing stock then we're on the right road.
  12. Very good return to form and to the screens tonight. Big fan of the Dick Campbell and Duncan & Duncan segments. Harry the dug is the real star of the show though and I want not only for the two Duncans to get their own spin-off, but for Harry to get his own too.
  13. I think we'll struggle - even though all the first team have now been cleared to train they won't be match-sharp. If we get anything at all I'll consider it a Christmas miracle, but stranger things have happened in the weird and wonderful world of Scottish fitba.
  14. When you think about it, it's like we're late to the party to see if we qualify or not so I don't mind that it's been drawn already. Add to that it should be enough incentive for the team to know that they've got a derby match if they beat Serbia - but that might also work both ways with the Serbians knowing they've got the Croatians to play if they can beat us. Still, all faith in Sir Steve to do what's needed to shitefest our way towards a win and ending the tournament qualification hoodoo.
  15. Absolutely delighted to see the vast majority of fans getting on board with Clarke's approach after the past week. It's not the most attractive brand of football there is, but it maximises the abilities our players have and makes the team greater than the sum of its parts. Some have mentioned that we rode our luck a bit tonight and that may be the case - but imagine how the previous couple of managers would have set up against this team tonight, we'd have been on the end of a pumping. As it is it's the Czechs who are complaining about their lack of luck and it's us who go into the Serbia game next month with absolutely nothing to lose in the best form we've been in for years. Add to that we still have players like Christie, Armstrong and Tierney to bring in - we definitely have cause to be optimistic. No matter what happens in Serbia we absolutely have to go for it against Israel and Slovakia as this gives us a great chance to get ourselves to Qatar and also to bring some big, glamorous teams to Hampden to really test ourselves. Chuffed for the players and the manager - after all the criticism that's been aimed at them since last month it's great to get results.
  16. Forgot to mention the earliest time I ever left a game in my previous post. It was the last game of the season in Walter Smith's last season as Rangers manager and his last game was away at Rugby Park. As a young turnstile operator at that match I worked a fairly horrendous shift in the main stand - but did see a grown man almost greet when I told him that voucher 20 he'd clearly bought off a Killie fan for an inflated price wasn't valid as this match was home game 19 of the season, so that was a slight consolation. Finished my shift as early as possible and along with two mates I worked with decided to get a seat in the main stand to see some of the game despite us being down 3-0 after something ludicrous like 12 minutes. Took a look around, saw it was full of people who obviously weren't home fans creating a poisonous atmosphere and decided not to stick around. We went back to mine to watch that fairly horrendous film Buried. Was quite realistic when the helicopter with the league trophy flew over the house towards the stadium though.
  17. I've had to leave the odd game early if I was playing a Saturday night gig, but I'd always try to eche it out as long as possible before the traffic got too bad. I've left Ibrox twice on the back of absolute pumpings to try to avoid the bulk of the home crowd leaving. Generally at RP I won't leave early, even if we're on the end of an absolute doing. I'd only leave a home game early if I had a gig to play at or if I had another work-related commitment.
  18. Realistically, I can't see us getting anything from this game tonight. I think the best we can hope for is for the young boys to play as well as possible, to see what it's like up against a full-time outfit and to learn some stuff from the first-team players who they'll be playing with in the team. Hopefully a couple of them are able to show the manager what they can do in any case.
  19. #juggernaut A much better performance tonight, just about every man played well. Fleck was probably the weakest in the XI but the team played well as a unit and no complaints about the result as we've got a system that's working for us. We haven't really been tested by a team with a lot of pace yet but I can see improvements with more or less every game we play. Last month with the same system we looked atrocious and it seemed as if the players were totally clueless. Now they look like they know how it's supposed to work and are getting to grips with it. If this is anything to go by then by next month we should be up for it against Serbia and go to Belgrade knowing that we'll be a tough team for them to get something against. Also have to say I've been critical of Andy Considine in the past but absolutely chuffed for him tonight. Played a really good game, didn't look like it was his international debut at all and was delighted to not only be a part of the squad, but to start and he looked like he was giving it his all. Add to that O'Donnell, Gallagher and McBurnie in particular looked up for it tonight and played well. In a time when there's an attitude of doing anything to get out of playing for your national team it's good to see players who want to pull on the dark blue and give their all for the cause.
  20. My Modern Toss "Work" calendar gives me unusual facts. Since there's one today: 11th October: Trump/Kanye summit, 2018. Kanye is filmed unlocking his phone with the passcode 000000. Great minds destined for each other.
  21. I believe you're right, I immediately tried to switch my mind off to numb it from such tedious patter, but it didn't work. Stupid radio.
  22. Given we're trying to hawk the PPV for this it looks like we're planning on trying to play the game. Obviously things could change between now and Tuesday night but fingers crossed this means we'll be able to have 13 players at least to make a squad.
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