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About annan4eva

  • Birthday 04/07/1960

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  • Quality Always
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  • Interests
    Football development i the south of scotland
  • My Team
    Annan Athletic

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  1. Yes my point they were left with nothing, all history down to photos were taken but the administration
  2. Indeed i wish them well. Very honourable. Another Scottish team suffered from a similar fate in 2012 and chose to go down a less honest path.
  3. Maybe he wishes Gretna the best of wishes ? Yes Gretna the team that fucked up financially, went bust, got every trophy they’d won taken away ( physically) re grouped and started from scratch under a new name. How honourable.
  4. Id honestly cease your charm offensive operation towards the Doon hammers cant see it has legs on here, the Arbroath forum ( although you probably got the most pathetic response yet tbf ICT RESERVES AND THAT ) The HI Skyline intro on the Kelty forum suggests its time to Hang up your boots ?
  5. If just if The football clubs in Scotland want change, this could be achieved in a heartbeat with a proper and very serious movement driven with organised leadership with a proper structure at its beating heart.
  6. Not for one minute did i think you’d get it
  7. Got rid of FALKIK now ICT AND YOU ? Well done Annan FFS
  8. Ive no idea why Annan pulled out last term, and too late for this ? For me a no brainier Annan should have a team at u20, funding/ sponsors should be easy to attract given the speed at which Wullies war chest grew. Time to look at bigger picture ?
  9. Lads having a wee debate then SEVCO butts in FFS.
  10. Nicky White and his Gretna ( club ) are working very hard and deserve rewards all the beat to them.
  11. No need for apologies. Lochar has a great surface too, it makes a difference to watch a game on grass.
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