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Everything posted by DeeTillEhDeh

  1. It just seems to be a bi-annual ritual that we miss out on players.
  2. Can anyone actually remember a transfer deadline day where we made a decent signing?
  3. If we don't sign someone decent then it's going to be a long hard autumn and winter. What I don't understand is why we are scrambling about looking for signings that should have been made weeks ago.
  4. Not just the hedge at Brechin but the steep slope down to one corner on that side of the ground as well. Gayfield - not design as such but if it's blowing a gale off the North Sea the ball has been known to blow back to players when they kick it.
  5. My experience is that there are always the hard core geeks and programmers who do know a computer inside and out. Most of the others tend to veer away from pure programming or hardware issues and focus much more on applications and design or gravitate towards courses such as ethical hacking.
  6. I asked because it certainly is not my experience as a teacher of ICT and Business for the past 23 years.
  7. And why? There is a £100,000 difference between being in and out of the union. An irrelevance. What really is the problem is that there is a structural deficit that needs to be tackled be it by a UK government/Scottish Government or by an independent Scottish Government. That being said my own view is that once Brexit proceeds there woulkd be a difference but one where being in the UK but out of Europe would be worse for the Scottish economy than an independent Scotland within the EU.
  8. All GERS figures show that in or out of the Union our economic situation remains the same.
  9. This will probably upset some people but sat and watched Deadpool tonight. To say I was bored rigid is an understatement - Reynolds is horribly cast and they seem to have missed the whole point of the character. 1/10.
  10. Scott Bain replaced by Jack Hamilton in Scotland squad. My first reaction was Jack who?
  11. Nothing to do with Brazil getting their place . . .
  12. Won't stay up for it - back to work tomorrow - but hope Bolt wipes the floor with cheater Gatlin.
  13. Tidal power is a no go for me - one only has to look at the damage from existing schemes eg Bay of Fundy, to see why.
  14. Ideally we should be investing in research into nuclear fusion and the storage of (solar) power. A lot is made about the environmetal damage of nuclear and fossil fuels but many if the renewables also have environmental impacts. Solar panels not only have the issue of bring made from toxic chemicals eg Sulphur Hexafluoride but also have damage caused by waste water from their production processes. Tidal power is still in unknown territory regards environmental impact but there are concerns over the effect it has on the movement of endangered marine species not mention issues of silting. Wind power has less perceived environmental impact than the likes of fossil fuels but there are still concerns over the visual impact as well as deaths to avian and chiropteran species. Ultimately I think it comes down to having the correct balance in both of guaranteed power generation, cost, and environmental impact. Unfortunately, what has happened in the past has been politically motivated decisions for first coal power, then nuclear power, then gas power - without having a balanced view. Even the decision over Hinckley seems to have been made not on sensible justified grounds (and it quite easily can be) but purely for political expediency.
  15. He also said: "Read into this what you will..... " Something's going on but then Kennedy (as is his his usual) covers all bases by saying later that he thinks the deal will go ahead.
  16. Spot on Gibby - if we left it till January he'd have gone for what GMS did.
  17. A ground share would only work if both clubs owned the ground or it were owned by a neutral body like DCC. No way in a million years would United wish to be Dundee's tenants.
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