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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The Labour council leader appears to be a psychopath judging by Twitter people from around there.
  2. It’s fairly common knowledge, m9. They even made a box-office movie about her.
  3. The best part of the Korean business is that Dennis Rodman claims Kim wanted to meet Trump after he read his book. He’s blates read Trump’s book and realised that Trump is a fucking idiot and he can get anything off him just by flattery or dissing his many enemies. Trump: I would love to announce that we’ve a deal, tremendous deal, where we grant the Juche regime full dominion over South Korea in return for acknowledging that Rosie O’Donnell is a dog and that Anna Wintour should have invited me to the 1994 Vogue Party.
  4. banana trying to grab the attention from baxter parp lowkey the best part of this thread.
  5. It’s that level of analysis that’s missing from my Verso collection.
  6. You didn’t but everyone else can understand when someone says that income is the first and primary definition of class that you can work out from there how students who are largely financially dependent on their parents are judged accordingly on that basis.
  7. Students supported by wealthy parents are absolutely middle class. Plumbers and brickies that earn enough to live in a 4 bedroom in Bearsden are middle class. Premiership footballers are middle class even if they retain an accent and don’t have a formal education. Viewing class as culture first and income second is the preserve of the right who are determined to fight politics on cultural rather than economic lines and want to justify their abhorrent views by claiming they speak for working class people.
  8. More importantly I’ve just saw that my local is still selling Bucky at a bargain rate of 6.99. Gang gang gang.
  9. Of course. Arguing otherwise inevitably leads to Chlamydia Kid style claims that working class “culture” is opposing immigration and proudly flunking out of your highers. Income is the first and primary definition of class.
  10. A great loss for the people of Riyadh. Potential tricky by-election for Labour over there.
  11. Perception is everything. Big shouts to Kim for joining Iran and Russia in the list of second rate powers that have absolutely owned the US in the 21st century.
  12. Seems consistent I think with a lot of other polls that find 18-24 year olds to be slightly more conservative than the next age group. Wonder why that is.
  13. This tactic of drip feeding what you have allowing the target(s) in the firing line to just repeatedly incriminate themselves is more and more common yet Amber Rudd still constantly owned herself and ultimately made her position untenable. You could have put everything on there being direct evidence proving she knew and supported these targets but they were that desperate to control the narrative that they ended up making it ten times worse. Amateur stuff. Sajid Javid won’t be much better considering he’s already said he wants overseas students to leave as soon as they graduate.
  14. Nah I mean all the talk about order being a male white serpent and that. Guy’s suppressed some shit especially when you read him talking about his da. That review’s decent I remember him cracking about up it. Good craic.
  15. I’ve read some of his book and it’s a Freudian dream. The man’s an idiot that obsesses over Disney movies not being as good as they used to be and can usually be found arguing with parody and quote accounts of people that slight him.
  16. Schooled by a millennial no less. Some boy Kim. Juche forever.
  17. People that think he’s above criticism obvs didn’t watch Obama slaughtering him at the White House dinner or read literally any of his tweets where a newspaper columnist slagged him off.
  18. Some troll to actually end the Korean War through tweeting. The Dems will campaign on bombing the Korean Peninsula if Korea unified and/ or denuclearised during Trump's administration.
  19. I don’t suit hats but maybe a massive t shirt would do. The caps are iconic though. While I admire the sentiment I’m worried it’s too much like Janey Godley’s banner.
  20. An understated performance in the premiere was the little child that speaks to William. He managed to get across immediately that he was an avatar for Ford without explicitly saying that he was, he managed it with his tone, delivery and dialogue. There’s a lot of great performances in this show and fair play to the boy he’s did brilliantly there.
  21. Coincidentally I might actually be in London that week. P&B hit me with your suggestions.
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