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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Wouldn't surprise me given how the Democrats seem poised to run as many spooks as possible in the upcoming elections.
  2. Chances of Comey running on the Democratic ticket in 2020?
  3. I agree. The motion was purely about getting the issue discussed in politics and Corbyn gave a good rebuke of May’s strikes. If chemical weapons and other war crimes are our red line then we should be bombing Saudi positions in Yemen. Unfortunately a vote is pointless when you have melts like John Woodcock who are shills for abhorrent regimes abroad and love to bomb poor brown people.
  4. Get Jericho on and start a feud with Bryan and AJ over whether the earth is flat or not.
  5. We don’t really set standards for how we kill animals in this country. They’re killed barbarically regardless of whether there’s a religious motive or not.
  6. Miz will sneak his title back and take it to Smackdown is my prediction. Nevermind that though, 3MB back together on RAW!
  7. The fences haven’t been painted either.
  8. Having known people that have worked with Unity Centre and other orgs I’m unsure if the HO is actively targeting people more often than they used to or whether press attention is just being drawn to it after the Brexit vote. The Home Office is an absolutely abhorrent department and that’s why people that were sounding the alarms over Diane Abbott becoming Home Sec were so utterly laughable. An Abbott led HO might add a few extra 000s here or there by accident but I’d feel much more certain they wouldn’t deport Jamaicans who’ve built families here or send LGBT asylum seekers back to face execution in their home countries.
  9. Good start but here’s a better suggestion: amnesty for anyone living here.
  10. I don’t know if Trump is terrified so much as he’s senile, thick and incapable of going five minutes without declaring whatever thoughts walk into his head by accident.
  11. Dunno why but this reads as Kasabian lyrics to me.
  12. It's extremely healthy for the country that the opposition have to give more justification for opposing an escalation of a conflict than the government does for blindly following the world's most famous lunatic who is announcing air strikes through Twitter.
  13. A left wing gay has no business dressing as blandly as he does.
  14. I remember it being said a couple of times in 2014 NXT and after that. Who knows. Reckon JR is considered that by the fans but we all know what Vince is like with JR.
  15. Cole’s been called “the voice of WWE” for quite a while has he not?
  16. There’s an argument (potentially made by Cockburn or someone else) that the placards written, allegedly overwhelmingly, in English were for western audiences in the hope of enlisting western support for the revolutions. That the strikes hit Libya and we’re now left with slave markets and thousands drowning in the Med leads you to question whether the air strikes really accomplished anything positive.
  17. I haven’t focused too much on a lot of the debate about whether it happened or not. Remember the debate the last time being ridiculous. I get my ridiculous quotient from reading Phil Greaves’ support for Assad and the ongoing maintenance of the Syrian state.
  18. The crucial thing, I think, is that he doesn’t categorically state that Assad is responsible and that air strikes are an ultimately futile gesture at this point. The Lion of Damascus is going to take his country back at this point.
  19. A Westminster created shambles necessitating greater scrutiny of a Scottish government campaign is some wild logic.
  20. Big fan of Patrick (and Andrew) Cockburn. Have a lot of respect for journalists that do much more than just pontificate in their weekly column on whatever’s in the news. It’s undeniable that Patrick knows his stuff and has committed his time, energy and nearly his life into covering the wars in the Middle East.
  21. Excited to see more of the Iconic Duo on SD. They were easily one of the most underrated acts on NXT.
  22. Calling Daniel Bryan a nerd and shitting all over NXT >>>>>
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