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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Ingesting soy to trigger the feminists. ????[emoji1305]
  2. Paul Joseph Watson hawks brain pills that have soy in them. Love that so much.
  3. Literally could not give less of a shit over how statesmanlike someone comes across. The press give way too much leeway to people like Thatcher, Blair and Obama who oversaw quite abhorrent policies purely because they were viewed as credible heads of state or leaders. Utter bollocks.
  4. Tbf this is one thing I hope we do with Brexit. No more tiered immigration, just fling open the borders and destroy this miserable culture we’re so keen to defend.
  5. Absolutely on the last part. There’s a clear vested interest in overstating these sort of things when it’s being said from a side that threatens the status quo. There’s two ways in combatting this. 1. Working as hard as possible to weed out the cranks and bigots from the movements and 2. not resorting to those same tactics when you’re on the side of the establishment, as Labour did in the run up to 2014. Also noticed Ian Paisley, who turned out for the anti-racism rally last week, retweeted this from Katie Hopkins yesterday. You couldn’t make that up.
  6. What's the legacy of colonialism for the African continent compared to Scotland? Are African states thriving in its aftermath? I also don't think seriously interested in the history of colonialism forget Portugal's track record. They were among the first there and the last to leave. Well why didn't the Scots rise up in 1848 or any other point after 1745? Why were many Scots happy and willing to see the crushing of the Jacobite rebellions? The biggest issue for Scots in the aftermath of joining the union appeared to be based around religion, not their supposed oppression by the British state.
  7. Fair enough. What's your thoughts on the debate then? I remember Tom Devine acknowledging the Scots enormous impact on the development of the British Empire.
  8. Literally one of the conditions of the union was giving Scotland unfettered access to the empire’s markets. We did our fair share of colonisation. Writers such as Hroch acknowledge that the union was more stable because the minority nationalities weren’t barred from participating within the empire’s apparatus in the same way that the minority nations within Russia or Austria-Hungary for example. Or Spain prior to the latter stages of the Bourbon monarchy.
  9. Could the average Englishman have prevented empire? No he couldn’t. Yet we still acknowledge England’s devastating colonial impact. It’s really that simple. If Scotland hated the empire and the union so much then why was there little to no secession movements between 1745 and the 20th century even compared to say Ireland? We, as a country, embraced empire and the opportunities it afforded us and we have to take our share of the blame if we want to be a grown up progressive country. Simple as that.
  10. Glasgow built its wealth on the backs of African slaves and you would accept this if you listened to their descendants. It’s utterly embarrassing that people think the best way to demonstrate your woke credentials is by dismissing Scotland’s active role in facilitating Britain’s empire. We do better by acknowledging our mistakes and promising to do better, not disavowing.
  11. Higher History is divided into three modules: Scotland, Britain and World history. The BGE is more varied but any school I was at, or friends were at, there was a clear focus on Scottish history anywhere from Skara Brae to immigration/ emigration.
  12. Adam Boulton's constant smirk should have him fired out of a cannon though.
  13. Don't see the problem with Sky News as far as mainstream news channels go tbh.
  14. There’s about a hundred never Trump Republicans in America and they all have op eds in a major publication.
  15. They accuse him of being a Trotskyist as well...
  16. There are loads of leftists (myself included) who think Labour can and should do much better in challenging endemic anti-semitism within the party and on the broader left. That doesn’t dismiss the fact that elements of the Tory Party and the centre-right of the party are using this for their own political gain but the best response is to get the left’s house in order and take anti-semitism as seriously as any other form of racism. It’s not like the left doesn’t owe a huge debt of gratitude to Jewish people and their voices need amplified further than they are.
  17. That’s GAPonsonby levels of swinging any point back to your own world.
  18. Already seen people snidely trying to accuse them of being useful idiots. Great praxis. Really helpful.
  19. This is patent nonsense given the roll call of colossally racist incompetent wankers that have held the office over the years. I don't think Corbyn himself is anti-semitic. He's just incredibly naive and is very much happy to indulge dodgy groups which hold similar views to himself. There's a very toxic element of the left that are well organised, have helped to finance Corbyn's takeover of the party and as such are likely viewed as undroppable. It would be an incredibly bold statement for him or anyone to do it but it needs done and ASAP if Labour have aspirations to build a genuinely inclusive and progressive movement. Another problem with this is that the centre-right of the party have spent so long shitting their pants over literally anything they could any day they could that there's now a siege mentality among the Corbyn left (Canary, Paul Mason etc) who are happy to dismiss this as yet another smear when it's actually valid criticism for once.
  20. There’s always been that undercurrent of dodgy Islamophobia and anti-Semitism. It would be good if we could have a popular left wing movement that didn’t have dodgy hingers on like Ken Livingstone or the SWP.
  21. Protestantism is a kiddy on religion anyway. A hard work ethic and constant misery isn’t worth anyone’s devotion.
  22. Didn’t he also tell her that he hoped all the sharks would die. Primo patter, no wonder he was firing into all the birds.
  23. The Rock’s response to the march is the most “I’m definitely planning to run for office” post I’ve ever seen.
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