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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Couple of funerals at the weekend, I reckon.
  2. That’s good. I might give it a go as my politics podcasts are overwhelmingly American (Chapo, Jacobin, Rev Left etc)
  3. They do a podcast together. That knowledge hurts my soul.
  4. New Statesman bar Stephen Bush are further to the right than the SNP members listed I would say. It’s funny on Twitter because your best analysis comes from people who have names like “Stalin Smokes Weed” or “Leon Thotsky”.
  5. Erm, have you even watched Olympus Has Fallen?
  6. Young Taker looks like he could play Solid Snake.
  7. East London in general is class. My mate lives in Dalston and the range of eating out options are tremendous.
  8. London’s class if you can afford it and are under 40. Which rules out most people posting here tbf.
  9. Nothing anti-Semitic about banging on about a cabal of Jewish bankers enslaving the world. Can’t think of any historical precedents for this sort of rhetoric.
  10. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s something else looming around this that’ll end up being dropped next week after everyone’s had their take over the weekend.
  11. Pretty indefensible stuff tbh. Anti-Semitism is such a weirdly discussed issue in Britain with this Count Dankula stuff being an example of that.
  12. Places a distant third on the banter sackings after Hilary Benn being punted in the middle of the night and that guy who had the phone put down on him when he asked what Labour's policy was for a Russian invasion.
  13. Reactions are generally better as well.
  14. Me and the Aberdoon boys living on the government dime and Colonel Ruthie's donations.
  15. The former I would say. Weird to use societal wide issues around racism, sexism and anti-semitism as an excuse to point score when it's something I've been critical of repeatedly on here and elsewhere. I mean I quit the party over its shoddy attempt to rehabilitate Alex Riley. Trade unions are an objective good in society. Doesn't really detract from the fact that they're filled with dinosaurs who need emptied from the movement.
  16. You are aware that the activist being quoted is joking, yeah?
  17. I like Paris Lees. She jumped on to the scene with loads of articles about how great it was being a slut before pivoting to being a very vocal trans rights advocate. Got to imagine there's thousands of very confused horny lads kicking about because of that. sjc not being one of them.
  18. I have it on good authority that he would've stormed the Parkland school shooting with or without a gun so I'd rethink this opinion.
  19. He’s been practicing for years to take that helicopter bump. Even god can’t touch him.
  20. If your last line is about Shane then I think DA Baracus will definitely disagree heh. Part of the problem with the heels is there’s so many smarks who want to show everyone how they understand what’s going on rather than just believing in kayfabe for an evening. You see it all the time on Twitter when someone is earnestly chastising Owens for attacking the boss and there’s 2-3 bozos replying to them saying “don’t you understand it’s a work [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]” or whatever. f**k off man.
  21. Betrayed by her party, and now her country.
  22. That’s the first time I’ve seen Sami and Kevin just outright booed as well.
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