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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Brexit’s ruined your brain old man if you think we ought to start taking Ian Murray and Kezia Dugdale at face value. Just spoke to someone I know who’s went and they’ve said that the executive agreed motion is debated, alongside every other motion (inc single market membership, and if the main motion is rejected by conference then the other two motions will be considered. HTH.
  2. I would love for someone that wasn’t a fanny to be pushing for single market membership as much as you but it isn’t happening outside of the SNP. This is just a rerun of Chuka Umunna trying to stroke their own ego unless you seriously think Kezia Dugdale and Ian Murray have the best interests of Scots at heart.
  3. He’s going to come out this meeting calling Kim “his greatest friend”. I can’t wait.
  4. Seems to be that executive discussions found it pointless since the wreckers (let’s be honest what else are you going to believe Dugdale and Murray are doing) can’t command a majority. The policy is to support Corbyn’s customs union and the SNP’s continuity bill.
  5. Right so who in a position of prominence has made a stink about this? How large are the crowds of people getting angry about this? Not some has been that played for Hearts, the short bread.
  6. I agree that’s why I know you’ll be backing Corbyn’s plans to break up media monopolies like he was detailing last week. [emoji1303]
  7. They’ve extended the poll a extra couple of days.
  8. Agreed but it still doesn’t mean the race to the bottom starts with Brexit.
  9. I don’t disagree with that. My issue was that the race to the bottom isn’t going to start with Brexit. The Tories, and New Labour, have found dozens of ways to actively make people’s lives worse for the last 30 years regardless of our EU membership.
  10. Off the top of my head: gutting of worker’s rights, wage stagnation, unions decimated, brutal treatment of asylum seekers in their detention and deportation? These things will get worse after Brexit under a Tory government but these things already existed and were acted upon since Thatcher took power.
  11. Well quite but things didn’t suddenly get bad in June 2016.
  12. God bless yer da for thinking he’s the arbiter on woke terminology.
  13. There’s been a race to the bottom over the last three decades for millions of Brits already whilst we were members of the EU.
  14. That was probably a factor in their Leave vote tbf. Better a futile gamble than more of the same.
  15. Her support act on her last tour was Owen Jones which is really funny IMO.
  16. Yeah the modern lingo is PoC but shouts to JLD for trying his best regardless.
  17. People apparently really appreciate forced political polling at times of grief and sadness.
  18. Bold of Trump to potentially alienate the GamerGate demographic of his vote.
  19. Was at a funeral this morning and a straw poll of the 43 attendees suggests the Yes vote has dropped by a few points.
  20. Nearly as good as their "let's trigger Vlad Putin by making him look gay" campaign. Great banter all round.
  21. Well, exactly. A lot of Remainers don’t grasp with the fact that a lot of people hated Thatcher for decimating their communities but hate Blair more for completely ignoring their existence.
  22. I would add that mainstream liberalism's capitulation to the far right and their inability to address people's economic grievances is another reason.
  23. i thought you were supposed to kill the werewolf in the first room so I got merked about 20 times and stopped playing it. I keep meaning to go back though.
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