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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The doctor told me to eat more greens and I shouted “no surrender” and left.
  2. That champ patter from anyone sincerely pretending they’re an adult gives me a head cold.
  3. That's hardly a ringing endorsement of the SNP's party machine or message if they were merked by Douglas Ross, Kirstene Hair and a tactical voting campaign that did the square root of f**k all the last time it was brought out.
  4. Both a Labour government at Westminster and independence are as likely as each other. I’d be interested to hear why people would dispute this.
  5. Nah I think that broadly the people in the SNP are good people and do have a belief in a more socially just Scotland. The people that are the most vocal online unfortunately I'm less sure about.
  6. They've got the rhetoric down a tee. I don't think it's a coincidence that significant movements on taxation didn't come up until a credible left alternative sprung up and threatened them.
  7. It's a belter of a statement from the guy that deifies a party whose ideology is managerial liberal independence. At least commit to something inspiring FFS. What you've been spending the past couple of hours arguing about is demonstrably not a smear though is it?
  8. What's my defence beyond Peppino is making shite up yet again and that I don't find it that shocking that a high-ranking member of a political party isn't tearing into his own party over another? Peppino's essential argument over the past week has been that MPs selectively attacking other administrations while defending or ignoring their own failings is comparable to the free and independent press deliberately running smear campaigns against candidates that threaten their own interests. That Peppino chooses to fight that argument by insisting that I shill for a party in the same way that he does above all else is good fun though. I find a large proportion of the current Labour Party to be abysmal or actively worth opposing but I still think Momentum, SLYS and its cohorts to be the best prospect for advancing left wing politics in the UK atm. I'll agree broadly that I find most SNP members, from my time in the party and out, to be quite objective and willing to self-criticise except the roaster element that's the most vocal element online is incapable of objectivity.
  9. “The SNP could have adopted Scottish Labour’s plans to halt austerity in Scotland, but they chose instead to pass a budget that doesn’t deliver a pay rise for the local government workforce and will leave lifeline local services under pressure.” “Scottish Labour offered a budget for real change for Scotland that would have delivered a near £1 billion stimulus for the Scottish economy, secured an additional £100 million for the NHS in Scotland and a fully funded pay rise for all public sector workers.” “The SNP should stop playing politics with people’s lives and listen to Richard Leonard’s plans to truly end austerity in Scotland. “The truth is that only Labour at Holyrood and Westminster can provide the investment that the NHS, councils, higher education and all other public services in Scotland desperately need.” That’s what the guy’s said and reads to me that the SNP could halt austerity but a Labour government in both parliaments would end austerity. I’m not surprised you would continue wilfully misunderstanding people’s criticisms of your party even after invergowrie arab called you out for it a week ago. And no, I don’t know why John McDonnell isn’t calling out a Labour administration in the midst of a rally. Baffling to me.
  10. It’s good to see you back after a weekend of camping in Cat Boyd, Patrick Harvie or whomever’s mentions. I think the SNP could do more to mitigate austerity. I didn’t realise that was controversial but then we are talking to you.
  11. Apparently it’s “Stalinist” to be accountable to the people who campaign on your behalf. Words have meanings and they’re whatever I say they mean.
  12. I like the idea of following Turkey’s example. Custom unions agreement, dictatorial rule, imprisoning journalists and our own version of the Young Turks or the Grey Wolves.
  13. You seem to be disagreeing with welshbairn on how much it differentiates between May's position. Sunday Politics seem to think this vote can potentially bring down the government and this amendment is being drafted by the people that the SNP were shilling for a few months back. Basing this partially on who it's pissing off its apparent that it has the potential to be a good thing but then again in the endless pantomime that is British politics I'll admit that doesn't mean much.
  14. What are the larger, more immediate and more issues at play here? Unless I'm mistaken this amendment represents a real defeat for the government, doesn't it?
  15. Labour effectively saying they’ll back customs union amendment. Time to see if the Tory rebels are the allies everyone keeps suggesting they are.
  16. You can't claim Donny doesn't know how to work a crowd.
  17. Someone suggested that over here at one point. Trump is *behind* UK fash discourse on this.
  18. Bit rambling but made a decent point of it. Shout out to Stormzy though.
  19. Too many and you already have militias forming over the most inconsequential shit. Propose taking the guns away and you’ll definitely have insurrection.
  20. Is he before or after Linda McMahon in the pecking order?
  21. What do people want to happen if Trump is impeached and removed from office?
  22. Claiming there’s been loads of false flags then immediately naming the most famous one and something that is demonstrably not a false flag when you’re asked for examples? God tier posting.
  23. Say what you will but Cat Boyd, Patrick Harvie and myself are regularly out there on the streets slandering the SNP to all any and whomst will listen.
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