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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I think you’re forgetting the strategy of centrist unionists to stop Brexit: Corbyn has a heart attack and Chuku Umunna sneaks into the leadership while the left are at Corbyn’s funeral.
  2. We’ve already established that Peppino is literally going to flee the country and live in exile if another democratic vote doesn’t go his way.
  3. Surprised Jacksgranda went for pedantry rather than her paying tribute to Ireland's greatest Weird Twitter export.
  4. Giving up after two recent democratic votes and fleeing the country with your tail between your legs while we're apparently airbrushed from history sounds pretty cowardly to me, champ.
  5. What’s your next step if Scotland votes no in another referendum?
  6. Just remembered as well that several Tory MPs sat and listened to a fellow colleague drop the n bomb in a meeting with no reaction. Turns out Anne Marie Morris had the whip restored a couple of months back.
  7. "Terry Christian dishing out the telts" is a sentence that has me hoping the Kim regime will hurry up and blast us into a new ice age.
  8. If I knew how to post a gif I’d show you.
  9. I’m reading the City and the City by China Mieville and I think we could make the whole Ul-Qoma - Beszel system work.
  10. Not good enough! You should be putting them in the stocks.
  11. What’s your response when someone makes a racist joke in your company?
  12. It was a good thing when you had commentators inventing shit that they attributed to their children but that 1/1000 didn’t happen post is shit patter.
  13. At the same time those people for a long time weren’t being given any reason to vote for the nominally left parties. Working class racists aren’t going to actively impoverish themselves if you give them a sustained positive reason to vote for liberal/ leftist parties. Unfortunately the Democrats and the Remain campaign in 2016 didn’t acknowledge this and paid the price with abject campaigns focused on suburban moderate conservatives and the well off who it turns out still hate them. It remains to be seen whether they’ll learn the lesson that you have to give people a reason to vote for you that goes beyond just voting against the other guy and from what I’ve seen of the FBPE lot and the resistance in the USA they’re not going to learn that lesson.
  14. It’s positively dripping, once again, with the notion that white working class men who call people “p***s” and “c****s” are the most authentic working classes and should be indulged.
  15. I agree with the first section. Not so sure on the rest.
  16. Fanny posters. Heard that one before. [emoji848]
  17. I haven’t googled him but does he look like Dean Gaffney?
  18. That sounds like a Brass Eye fact. “Noncing was invented in 1992”
  19. As a Daniel Avery* fan I used to pray for a Moyes purple patch so I could tweet “Moyes Flies High” for a cool ten retweets. Imagine my shock when he would become exclusively shite for the rest of his career. *He has a tune where a disembodied voice says “noise flies high”
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