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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Furnishing them with kevlar will be handy when we’re all shooting each other in the remains of London in ten year’s time.
  2. I think it’s good to threaten the press now and again. It was amusing to see Jim Waterson shitting himself despite being the editor of a publication which published the home address of a Hillsborough campaigner just because they were a Corbyn supporter.
  3. Call me a fantasist and/ or craven so we can complete the list of insults you fling about with a lack of self-awareness. Please, it’s very funny.
  4. Probs cause Leonard’s harbouring of abusers in the party is a little bit more concerning to me than whatever it is you’re talking about.
  5. I'd agree with you here if I didn't think the people on my side of the debate - Owen Jones, Abi Wilkinson etc should also get to f**k for being consistently wrong about almost everything the past three years. Media punditry is more about who you are than your credentials in understanding how politics is shifting and it needs to change across the entire political spectrum and the old guard that runs the media has to change. I'm not limiting where I think that should happen to just the people who aren't on my side. Not everyone is as slavishly devoted to a party over ideology as you are. My votes are temporary and conditional. I've voted SNP more and been a member of the party longer than I have Labour. That can change again.
  6. This never gets less funny. Just as Sturgeon was right to slaughter the press for inventing a nonsense story about her preferences for a Tory govt, Corbyn’s right to go on the offensive when they continue to throw shit on the front pages.
  7. What a weird tangent to throw yourself down.
  8. The vast proportion of our established media are little more than mouthpieces for the uber wealthy. It’s extremely good if they are taken on and their influence broken up. Rupert Murdoch’s been a stain on this country and we deserve a better standard of press.
  9. I agree. The jmo wing shitting themselves over this are happy to be in the tent pissing out when it suits them.
  10. shots fired. that’s exactly the rhetoric that should be deployed in indyref2.
  11. Nah I think it was a tweet by either Megan McArdle or the new Washington Post editor. All the implications of it are mad as f**k though.
  12. Or that woman that said to train children from pretty much when they’re a toddler to forget all their instincts and run at the gunman to overwhelm him.
  13. He’s the news bitch that absolutely loves gossip and bitching about TV ratings.
  14. The alt-right obsession about Trump being a macho president is so funny because he’s every cruel 70’s stereotype about gay people.
  15. No judgments m9! As I said my mate went and I only made the two judgmental jokes about it.
  16. Tbf he’s been a lowkey racist ever since the beginning but luckily he had Johnny Marr crafting banging tunes for him to croon over so people didn’t pay as much attention.
  17. My mate was at the Hydro gig and said it’s a load of baseless nonsense and folk were more likely leaving because his new material is utter shit.
  18. The FBI are suffering from having far too much data and as such as are unable to chase up every potential problem case and are unable to interpret a lot of what they’re given. It’s a problem of their own making though with what passes for possible radicalisation among Muslims and other broad indicators.
  19. It’s just as natural, imo, to take an interest in your ancestors as it is to be a nationalist or whatever. They’re related and influence each other.
  20. Who is fucking who though? These are the questions we’re needing answers to.
  21. Aye it's not for everyone and I don't really care enough to put the effort in to find out either but I understand why people are so enthused about doing it.
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