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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Not sure how a pro-austerity millionaire that calls other people “trash” would’ve galvanised the youth vote IMHO.
  2. Chuka Umunna shat out of the last leadership race in about 6 hours as soon as the mildest whiff of pressure hit.
  3. Aye there’s a lot to be said for a commentator who is so behind someone like he was with Gargano in the main event.
  4. Well I mean it didn’t affect MY promotion cause I flunked out from being more concerned with taking pills and pissing about but I was raised Catholic. There were plenty of teachers in the school who were ostensibly protestant that were either teaching or were leading a department. Out with the RE department* which is admittedly decades behind the modern Catholic school set up in my experience is pretty much normal. *I’m only slagging the RE dept because I had to sit and listen to a fucking Franciscan friar who would’ve been drumming for some shit metal band drone on about his “community” for an hour and a half.
  5. I was on placement in an RC school and there was plenty of proddy teachers and students and plenty of Muslim students. While the RE was blatant indoctrination your denomination didn’t affect either your employment to the school or upwards within it.
  6. He blates doesn’t though since he’s parroting stuff that plenty of nationalists bang on about and he had people backing him up on here.
  7. Here’s an example: I think the massive gulf in resources devoted to stopping and searching predominantly young black people around Brixton for marijuana possession compared to, say, the amount devoted to catching middle class predominantly white people in Canary Wharf who are hoovering up cocaine by the ounce on a weekly basis is perpetuating a racist system of profiling. Closer to home I can think of me and my white mates having the freedom to carry as many pills about without really worrying while my Muslim mate gets “randomly” stopped all the time despite being teetotal, middle class and privately educated whereas all the rest of us are white trash from schemes. I don’t think the police should have the powers to stop and search to the level they do anyway tbh. It’s widely abused by a self-acknowledged racist institution.
  8. Good to add “it’s totally fine for the police to racially profile” to the growing list of mental shit the forum’s perfect distillation of the mental wing of Scottish nationalism believes.
  9. It’s stupid enough to work in Trump’s America.
  10. Fair enough chief I don’t really disagree I was just having a joke.
  11. That still happens tbf and calling Harvie a Tory is good craic lol.
  12. It’s weird that a support traditionally associated with Irish Catholicism get particularly angry about songs discussing being up to their knees in ****** blood.
  13. I’ve worked a few Old Firm games and the Billy Boys is still being sung every time.
  14. Where he took multiple tombstones including one on steel steps if I’m minding it correctly.
  15. [emoji1305][emoji1305][emoji1305][emoji1305][emoji1305]
  16. TCK openly acknowledges that he votes against his economic interests because of inconsequential shit that doesn't affect his life. Can't reason with that sort of nonsense.
  17. I’m the guy dabbing twice on the tapestry.
  18. I can tell immediately where you’ve went wrong here. You’ve watched The Wright Stuff.
  19. Yeah I think the battle is much more difficult across the pond. Another difficult problem to overcome is that the New Labour method of courting soft-Tories was thoroughly discredited by 2015 whereas there’s still a strong belief among Democrats that they can effectively court “sensible Republicans” especially with the fucking child in the White House. Looking at it incredibly simplistically and reductively you could be right. I think Clinton failed to get out the bloc that turned out specifically for Obama and that was her major undoing alongside a fatal over reliance on data driven campaigning and a belief that soft Republicans would back an establishment Democrat over a moron reactionary.
  20. It’s why the battle for the party is going on at the grassroots level. The Democratic left are attempting to copy what Momentum are doing here by taking over the party apparatus embedding the left more concretely within the party. Whether they’ll be successful and how long that will take is another matter.
  21. The writing in New Vegas is far, far better than the Bethesda Fallout titles and it’s a really funny game but the gameplay is very dated. At least you can aim down the sights though.
  22. I wouldn’t know because I don’t pay much attention or care enough about this law, it was more of a general opinion about the police.
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