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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. And your point had no relevance to mine either, mate. I’m all in on Scotland going independent. I just think it’s dumb and offensive to consider Scotland a colony considering a) the abhorrent history of colonisation and b) our own particularly grim history of colonisation.
  2. No reasonable definition, and certainly none that wouldn’t offend the scores of colonised peoples across the globe, would contend that Scotland was a colony. There’s a reason this discourse is confined to the nutjob element of the Scottish nationalist movement. Even JLD’s example is utterly daft as Ireland experienced far more direct attempts at colonisation than Scotland did. Scotland were active and fully committed participants in colonising Ireland and further afield.
  3. The conditions in which Britain were attached to the Roman Empire and the level of participation the British barbarians had in the Roman Empire is of course exactly the same as Scotland and the UK. It’s totally plausible to reject Westminster’s sovereignty and also realise that as minority nations go we’ve had it much better than most.
  4. I don't think you're going to see anyone disputing that tbh.
  5. The 79 referendum was a sham. I think everyone recognises that.
  6. I'm fairly sure the people of London would have to get parliamentary permission to seek an independence referendum. Or do the London MPs or the Assembly have some hidden clause that I've missed? Bold calling others craven though, I didn't realise your commitment to independence was risking your life and limb.
  7. Aye I can think of loads of colonies whose citizens were given pretty much unrestricted access to the empire’s opportunities and participated actively in colonising in said empire. I’m sure the Kenyans, Indians and heck even the Yanks would look at Scotland and see kindred brothers in oppression.
  8. Well Scotland twice decided how much autonomy it wanted in two separate referendums “champ”. There’s a big difference between a colony and a region “champ”. We were active participants in colonising the British Empire mates particularly just across the water mates.
  9. Scotland has an active political participation in the Westminster parliament and quite a substantial level of its autonomy. I’m sure the sons and daughters of the Mau Mau rebels are saying prayers for the poor oppressed citizens of Scotland.
  10. Ah the “Scotland is a colony” claim. *kisses fingers at the discourse*
  11. That last sentence is giving way too much faith to lawmakers lol.
  12. They may not have won the matches but their captain certainly won the hearts of the world.
  13. Shocked to hear that a story about North Korea is false tbh.
  14. Unbanned the curb stomp and renamed it the Black-Out on Martin Luther King Day. [emoji1]
  15. “The doctor, great guy great guy, one of the best doctors, not only said I was healthy but that I was actually one of the healthiest people that ever lived. Look it up, folks!”
  16. Yeah, a lot of people who followed the “alt-right” said it was that moment that united what were disparate groups. Another example of a staggering lack of judgment.
  17. That was contingent on actually supporting the Union, haven’t you learned anything from 1707?
  18. I though the Yer Da nationalists were bad but fucking hell philyerboots has outdone them all.
  19. Says so much about the presidency that Donny banging a porn star barely makes a register.
  20. They are? Long-Bailey was on tele over 12 hours ago doing exactly this. There’s a video from Corbyn detailing what Labour would do in response to this.
  21. Peppino back and striding across the forum like the colossus he is. Fair fucking play.
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