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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Answer the questions I've posed in the original question starting with: Trotsky or Stalin? I feel Stalin is more generically handsome but there's something about young Trotsky that's underappreciated.
  2. That's a shame as it sounds like the world of academia has lost a potential intellectual powerhouse.
  3. Right but the context of it was the complete removal of the dynasty that had held power for 300 years meant the Whites lost one of their main rallying points. Helen Rappaport's Ekaterinburg is a good book on this. Takes lots of liberties with the story but I think it makes it a better read personally.
  4. Some mad alt-right shit about a random blogger saying women should be able to retrospectively remove consent ages after the deed and extrapolating it to claim that it was like a big thing feminists were demanding. As I said just stupid shit but not worth a ban I thought.
  5. Why do you think Lenin spent years ordering the deaths of thousands of kulaks and aristocrats? The royal family weren't killed out of any personal enmity on Lenin's behalf it was just necessary for the revolution.
  6. Aye same. What he last said was fucking stupid but nowhere near worth a ban.
  7. Obviously this is all subjective and prone to looking with tinted glasses but I don't see how this is accurate. Most political commentators, who are loathe to credit Labour, have acknowledged that he's been out manoeuvring May these past few weeks and even when they're criticising him like this last week for inexplicably focusing on tax havens, they're all discussing that very thing days later when a sudden leak proves him right to focus on it. The only thing I will say in Davidson's theoretical defence is that nobody outside of political obsessives bother their arse to care about PMQs and FMQs.
  8. welshbairn is a liberal stooge of the imperialist state. Unsurprising he would misrepresent the glorious revolution of the workers.
  9. Bismarck led to Hitler but it doesn't stop old Otto V from being a top boy.
  10. Right but the Blair years were hardly a bastion of socialism while you only have to look at succession of scare stories and near smear the Sun has written about Corbyn to see where their loyalties lie these days.
  11. The subtext behind his post is that he wants you strung up over a lamppost by a revolutionary mob.
  12. She's already torn to shreds by Sturgeon up here so what's new?
  13. Wasn't there a federal tax collector killed a few years back in the deep south? I think you would need near unanimous political will and public support to effectively disarm the entire population and it looks you'll never get that especially in such a polarised state the US is in now.
  14. Feel that you could pioneer a boiler suit and loafers look, Shandon.
  15. 100 years to the day that the Absolut Bois staged arguably the most significant coup in world history. How are you all celebrating the lads who gave you an 8 hour working day, the weekend and the minimum wage and stopped the threat of Nazism in Europe? I'm planning on staging a coup of my workplace later on today. A recent poll of millennials found that more of them would rather live under socialism or communism, than capitalism. Is the Great Satan under threat from commie loving children? https://www.google.co.uk/amp/amp.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/nov/4/majority-millennials-want-live-socialist-fascist-o/ Has any P&Ber overthrew a 1000 year old ancien regime? Has any P&Ber waged war on the decadent capitalist system? Or are we all capitalist dogs doomed to chasing individual wealth at the expense of the collective good? PS: Young Stalin or Young Trotsky? Would you?
  16. The Sun and the Daily Star are right wing as hell.
  17. New Day vs the Shield at Survivor Series?
  18. Robbie Travers is going to smear you in a national newspaper any moment now.
  19. Fucking hell that's the second good post you've ever made and in the same week as well.
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