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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. f**k the big issues I live for the arguments over pedantry and semantics.
  2. Graves is one of the few legitimately cool people in WWE.
  3. The current mob, CFO$, are great as well for building massive hype for people like Bobby Roode.
  4. It was similar to an extent with Breaking Bad when the final two episodes largely worked out like people thought. That doesn't make it bad television. Quite the opposite in fact!
  5. Kezia Dugdale voted for independence: a conspiracy thread
  6. Will help her heel turn though when she starts fighting dirty to retain.
  7. Aye tbf my local MP is pushing the "Labour ended tuition fees in Scotland" line which while not exactly lying is omitting a fairly important piece of information i.e. what they replaced tuition fees with.
  8. Solidarity with our DPRK brothers [emoji122]http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/northkorea/11089388/North-Korea-backs-Scottish-independence.html
  9. He may well be that but if he works the SNP into a shoot and forces Scotrail into public ownership then good IMO.
  10. You can trace 1320's opinion change roughly from the point JC nearly won the election.
  11. Saw somedy suggest that Corbyn was referring to the ECJ. Don't have a clue myself as I haven't followed the visit too closely apart from his visit to Kittys.
  12. From my dim memory of arsing about with a bunsen burner in first year science I can assume that dead Viserion has more powerful fire than his brothers. Bran won't mention anything as Jamie's integral to the living surviving the war with the dead IMO. Hard to work out who has the better arse out of Jon Snow and Danaerys.
  13. Six weeks after Labour MPs were bemoaning the leadership's Hard Brexit stance now they're bemoaning the reversal as it could threaten the seats in the heartlands.
  14. Posting all this at like 3 in the morning trying to get a reaction [emoji24]
  15. It's alright. If you enjoyed Black Flag it's just more of the same.
  16. The war on the eastern front was a war of annihilation instigated by the Germans. The Russians were fighting for their existence and nothing less.
  17. That was his FIRST THOUGHT when asked what he would do if he had the option of doing literally anything? [emoji23]
  18. Was Douglas Ross the one that said if he could have one wish for his constituency it would be clamping down on gypsies or words to that effect?
  19. http://www.clickhole.com/article/next-level-gaming-new-call-duty-will-penalize-play-6513
  20. Weird that you never see Bishop Briggs posting in here anymore.
  21. Maybe we should nationalise the Premier League and run the country off the profits.
  22. Presumably the implicit point is that the government shouldn't set policy around an institution that can't get figures correct to even the nearest hundred thousand.
  23. If Corbyn targets and wins seats such as Livingston then he gains allies such as Rhea Wolfson which I imagine is a big factor. I don't expect that the effort to take even some of the SNP seats who should be nominally left wing will be anywhere near as challenging as taking East Ren for example.
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