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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Mason is an absolute cretin but I don't think he does that much damage to the SNP mainly just because most people don't give a shite.
  2. I don't believe it's stupidity. I think he knows what he's on about he's just put all his proverbial eggs in the Brexit basket on here and will be disingenuous as heck to back up that position.
  3. The SNP know they won't win an independence referendum unless there's a seismic shift in the economic climate which Brexit will bring. That's why they're obvs tying the independence wagon to Brexit. Yet more dishonesty from BB trying to act like the SNP (who've chased independence from the UK for over half a century) suddenly view membership of the EU as more important than self determination.
  4. Good of the Greens to help make a minority government work. Sensible and mature politics from them and the Greens and a sure sign that independence can bring a politics that this country deserves rather than the childish nonsense down south.
  5. Scotland has nothing to gain from the Tories by cooperating on Brexit and anyone that thinks the Tories will listen to anything other than the real possibility of us pissing off from the union is an idiot.
  6. We live in a parliamentary democracy and as such it should be voted on. The people who should be ashamed are those who talk about "enemies of the people" after an MP was shot by a fascist British nationalist last year.
  7. Of course Gina Miller should be ashamed for ensuring the government doesn't ride roughshod over this country's parliamentary democracy.
  8. I don't feel Scotland really has a chance unless we have a full blown sectarian civil war.
  9. Feel like Mandela and especially Fidel Castro were just the warm ups for the absolute shitstorm online when Mugabe dies. I'll be on hand with a Mugabe tribute thread lads don't worry.
  10. Slavoj Zizek is a contrarian for contrarian's sake and is going full blown fash just to stay relevant. But, aye, I made the point earlier that there is a double standard. The liberal centre don't have their hands clean whatsoever and outlets such as Buzzfeed would put Pravda to shame with their cheerleading for the US regime when it suits them. That doesn't mean that what Trump is doing isn't utterly vile and staggeringly stupid though.
  11. The only solution is to keep punching Richard Spencer: the 38 year old man with the Macklemore haircut and a meme badge on his jacket.
  12. Probably not. Everyone I know involved feels quite disillusioned and unsure how to proceed but just have to remain positive and try and build on a genuinely good turnout.
  13. The organisers of many of the Trump protests are already active in assisting refugees and migrants trying to seek refuge in the UK. The Trump stuff is generating worldwide coverage and it would be good if even some of the people who turned out purely for these protests will engage themselves in what is happening here as well. There's a point to be made as well about Obama, Justin Trudeau and other liberal sweethearts getting such a free pass for quite awful treatment of indigenous populations and refugees as well and I hope that point is made. As it is here, there has to be more highlighting of the hideous treatment Theresa May has given to plenty of marginalised groups in Britain and how her silence over Trump was never going to be in question.
  14. Case in point. I'd rather be dead than live like that.
  15. If I'm stealing patter from 4chan dorks when I'm the wrong side of 40 like the above poster then consider this all the go ahead you need to bludgeon me to death.
  16. I have infinite respect for people that can take the time to engage with Swampy's patience testing w**k.
  17. Fair play to anyone still taking everything Vice are posting at face value.
  18. Aye I meant off of this forum sorry. It was covered more in here. https://athousandflowers.net/2015/09/15/far-right-extremists-open-community-hub-in-glasgows-east-end/
  19. Pictures on Twitter of the White House Press Secretary holding up printouts of tweets that the president has issues with. The USA have elected an actual big baby to their highest office.
  20. The only time I can recall hearing about the PUL off of this site was when one of the Daniels, or an associate of them, set up a PUL shop in Dennistoun.
  21. Another day another absolutely nonsensical executive order with the regulations thing.
  22. John Cena's been scathing in that really vague inspo quote way he posts but then I guess he has a lot more leeway.
  23. Theresa May refusing to condemn it as well. There's that strong leadership we've all been hearing about.
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