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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. The first I seen were Edinburgh but it's been over the past couple of days.
  2. I knocked one up that's sitting on 300+ likes at the moment and it didn't even take any imagination. Edinburgh's ones are the best I've seen so far.
  3. Inception - 8/10 Engrossing film that was slightly hampered by all the discussion of the ending that raged after its release. I thought the ending made the film better in that completed the character development of Cobb in such a satisfying way and it's a shame, from the discussion amongst my own friends, that not many people focused on that aspect of the movie instead.
  4. She was definitely 'Eiffel Towered' later on...
  5. Got the day for my tutorial mixed up resulting in me losing two hours of sleep.
  6. Justice on the 12th of Febuary.
  7. http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150572904380850&set=a.10150572897615850.442562.733530849&type=1&theater I can't even read half of what's happening in the comments section.
  8. Joey Barton directing abuse towards Gary Glitter, quite rich from him to comment on someone else.
  9. Write a discursive essay on Justin Timberlake's Sexyback.
  10. Seen so many people I know complaining about Christmas and 'how it's not the same anymore'. Bah humbug, I had a great day doing nothing except watching tele, eating and getting loads of new things.
  11. The usual money/clothes/sweets and toiletries but my main present from the girlfriend was an old school record player complete with Skying, Suck It and See and Anna Calvi records.
  12. I've been asked to go see them next year and I'm quite tempted judging by the reaction of people that saw them play T in July. The Vaccine and Miles Kane are both playing shows in Dundee next year so I'll probably attend them.
  13. Unfortunately, I don't think I could face the rest of my flat ever again if an incident like that was ever to occur.
  14. Wikipedia's taken down the Adam Smith shows, but it's still stating Beveridge Park. http://en.wikipedia....ylo_Xyloto_Tour Starks would be a great idea though if Raith were to profit from it. Of course it doesn't have quite as much appeal as our (soon to be resumed) visits.
  15. If someone above me is being loud constantly as in stomping about the place and dropping things on the floor, how can I get him back? Suggestions that don't involve pie kicking (it's a guy) and/ or murder please.
  16. There's a rumour doing the rounds (and appearing on Wikipedia) that Coldplay are to play two shows at the Adam Smith Theatre and a show at Beveridge Park in Kirkcaldy.
  17. Contemporary Challenges for Europe tomorrow, I'll be glad when it's over as it's a fucking shite module.
  18. Racist to sing ba ba black sheep? so now its ba ba rainbow sheep? racist to wear a poppy so even the Scotland football team didnt wear them? racist to say christmas so now its happy holidays? yet its not racist to celebrate eid, not racist to burn the Union jack and not racist to take over our country? This is SCOTLAND not Pakistan, dont like it? glasgow airport, Terminal 2... toodle fucking pip! Pass on if you believe in true scottish rights!! There was so much wrong with this I just commented 'fail' and deleted him.
  19. Does anyone know of a site that provides a general list of all the major movie releases of the past decade and perhaps even further back? I've got quite a bit of free time coming up and I'm rubbish at just picking up a film and watching it so fancied working back from 2010 toand try and catch up on all the good (and some bad) movies I've missed. Thanks in advance I hope!
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