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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Really? Brilliant! *runs off to call Glinner a c**t again*
  2. Isn't Tweetdeck available on all formats anyway? Would recommend on the desktop if you haven't got it already.
  3. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2013/12/12/fallout-4-reportedly-exists-is-set-in-boston/ pc's alluding to this I assume. It's nothing concrete, just some more speculation.
  4. Small number of tickets on the door according to HudMo if you absolutely can't miss out!
  5. Did Capcom make Dead Rising? The controls are certainly convoluted enough to make it a Capcom title.
  6. The Numbers 10th Anniversary party at the SWG3 on Friday. So far Hudson Mohawke, Jackmaster and Spencer are confirmed. Hoping for Joy Orbison and/ or Skream to top it off and make it arguably the best line up I've seen all year.
  7. Not forgetting the absolute brass neck to try and force some shitty point about his football team in.
  8. Haven't the government recently banned Khat as well even though it is allegedly a really weak drug? Apparently it's a staple of the Somali community in London.
  9. Think I nailed the Modern South Africa exam today and managed an A2 for the second essay of the module so I'm (hopefully) sitting on the cusp of an A for the module.
  10. My auntie posted this the other night. My favourite part about this is her parents (my grandparents obvs) were Irish immigrants and our Irish heritage is something that's celebrated on that part of the family.
  11. The problem with the episodes where not much happens is that it's not even engrossing in the same way many other dramas are. This show lives and dies by the constant danger that the cast are in and when it appears contrived or involves characters that we don't give a shit about then it falls down. It's not bad but it's not a great show either.
  12. Hopefully getting a ticket for Moderat next year if I can talk a mate into going. Can't see it being too difficult as II is a tremendous album.
  13. And with respects to IO, I'm going against the grain here but don't listen to people who are generalising about women here and saying "they're" all 'bitches' or whatever. They're not. I don't doubt your girlfriend has acted pretty horribly towards you and it most definitely isn't something you can blame yourself for. If someone is a dick (male or female) then they're a dick. If you allow her to cloud your judgment on other women you meet then you're going to be going in any future relationship with an immediate handicap. As unlikely as it might seem, you'll move on and find someone a thousand times better. Just give it time.
  14. Tesco and ASDA bags have the holes in the bottom. You're not going to keep anything in there, mate. I'm thinking one of those see through bags you get at airports. Keeps everything in vision and still spacious.
  15. A night out with Matty at the Rooms and a bag full of drugs and you'll wake up in the Hilltoon 3 days later dazed and confused. Seriously though, all the best, mate. Just split up with my girlfriend as well. It's always tough regardless of how much you wanted it but in a few days, weeks or months you'll be laughing at how bad you feel right now. Hive looks really good in photos as well. They both have really good photographers. The good thing about Fat Sams is it's like our Union except the clientele are better looking and there's a strong possibility of getting glassed. Two plus points IMO.
  16. That was what I expected from the finale of season 3. A really good episode. Everything that The Walking Dead's supposed to be about.
  17. To be fair, I doubt anyone on here takes Reynard seriously. He's the Alf Garnett of the forum.
  18. Normally I would be willing to try this but I've an exam next Monday and it's imperative I settle into some sort of routine. Woke up at 7pm tonight and have no idea how to resolve it. The problem is I lack the motivation to get up for any reason.
  19. Imagine being so wound up by a politician that you have to moan about everything he does.
  20. I think I know who he is and am sure he was born in Ireland. Still an arsehole though. Really boring.
  21. It's especially hard when it seems that the only goal you should ever have is to "get on in life". A boy I know couldn't be bothered with the daily grind of work post-university and simply moved to France and was living in a tent until a month or so ago. In a way I admire the sheer audacity of him and wished I could be as spontaneous and unfazed about the future as that. I'm the same way just now. I've always had an irregular sleeping pattern (generally 4 or 5am up until 1pm) but lately it's been getting later and later so now I'm falling asleep around 8 and sleeping through till 5 in the evening. Waking up at night isn't helping my mood at all so I just feel like shit constantly.
  22. Did you buy Crusader Kings II? They just released more DLC for it and it seamlessly converts your save into the new game Europa IV so you can play as the same nation (or at least in the same world) from 867 up to 1821. I've logged something like 500 hours of playtime on it.
  23. I've seen you post loads on here and Twitter and never clicked you were the same person. Assuming you're the right person, I enjoyed you getting Wings Over Scotland #telt a while back.
  24. I'm not so sure there needs to be more than America. They've barely scratched the surface of the post-apocalypstic United States. AFAIK they've only just scratched the surface of the New California Republic, its development and clashes with other factions. Even a Fallout set in the east of the US would be wildly different to the previous Fallouts in terms of the factions represented. From a business sense I don't see why there would be any incentive for Bethesda to move the series out of the United States when (according to http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Fallout+3) they've made more than half their sales of 3 and NV in North America.
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