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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Are DeeMan, Hearts Daft, chomp my root etc against the legalisation of 'party drugs' such as Ecstasy, MDMA, ketamine or whatever? I can sort of understand people being against the legalisation of the really serious addictive drugs such as heroin and crystal meth that have obviously devastated communities.
  2. Are dealers plucking their drugs out of thin air or something? A multinational company producing literally tons of pills or whatever is going to produce them at a much cheaper price than dealers who have to produce in much smaller doses.
  3. Cheers, lads. The major problem is that during the days I find that I'm usually fairly positive or at the very least closed off whereas once it hits the evening or nights I'm usually more open or aware of what I'm feeling. I'll have a look into it though and maybe just take notes or something.
  4. Has anyone had counselling before and would they recommend it? I'm coming to the end of the first dose of citalopram and I've been offered that as well if I want it. I'm going to stick with the meds at the moment as I think I'd feel weird talking to someone I didn't know but I'm sort of open to the idea.
  5. NotThePars

    Breaking Bad

    Aye that's definitely the best way to end such a well crafted and satisfying drama filled with almost unparalleled character development and storytelling. He just imagined it.
  6. Jack from Lost kidnaps them or something and that was supposed to be part of the sequel but it's fallen through I think. It's an absolute mess of a film with so much obviously cut from the final edit. It does have some good set pieces though. The scaled down final scenes, Jerusalem and the plane attack are quite good but apart from that it's poor.
  7. I've found the mornings much easier since discovering Rinse FM's garage hour at 10. Quality tunes.
  8. Can you swap a train ticket to an earlier time at a cheaper cost than just buying a new ticket?
  9. In total agreement that being a renegade is pretty dece. Even the word 'renegade' itself is dece.
  10. It's the same with comic book adaptations as well. I don't care if it stays true to the source material as long as it remains entertaining and fairly coherent.
  11. Bismarck's social welfare reforms weren't done out of the goodness of his heart. They were done to try and curb the popularity of the emerging socialist parties in Germany. They might have been implemented by a conservative but that doesn't make them conservative policy.
  12. That doesn't work if you live with someone that's content to live in squalor. It's only going to piss off the person with the issue even more.
  13. All libertarians = this guy http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dXajUtR56J8
  14. Anyone on here that's a teacher (or anyone that isn't but can help) point me in the direction of anywhere useful where I can source information on all the changes to secondary education over the past couple of years? I've got an interview for a post-graduate course next year in teacher training and I want to make sure I have an idea of what I'm talking about it before it.
  15. The 'white community' isn't one homogeneous community.
  16. The worst is Genius Football. Awful, awful account.
  17. @soverrybritish has been hitting out with some excellent tweets the past few days.
  18. Got an appointment at the doc's this morning and just had a chat about it. Been given the number for one to one counselling and put on a really low dose of citalopram just to see how I get on. Quite relieved actually to have finally done something about it. I owe quite a bit to my new girlfriend for being really good and open about her own problems with mental illness as it made me ready to go and see someone.
  19. You're the one demanding intelligent and grown up debate yet turning into a petulant fanny when you're called out on what you're saying.
  20. Demands grown up debate, childishly throws insults and refuses to advance debate with credible evidence. Another horror show from 8mile.
  21. KeeperDee's furiously ripping through his first semester Psychology textbook to deconstruct EGB's post as we speak.
  22. Of course he's going to do that. You're his girlfriend's ex and you're still featured fairly prominently in his life because of the football. Just take it on the chin and laugh at the fact that he's threatened enough by you to sit and do it.
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