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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Err, it's alright. There's loads of bottlenecks and it can get really squashed in the crowd up until around half 3 when quite a few folk leave after the main artist is finished. The drinks aren't too expensive, around 4.50 a drink and it's Russian Standard and other decent drinks for sale. The security's really lax as well and generally everyone's quite relaxed. If you're going with any lassies then warn them that it's portaloos instead of proper toilets as well. Oh and there's a proper massive wellness area with comfy seats and a quiet bar if you're fleein' too much at any point. Don't do what I did and sit in a portaloo for fifteen minutes to calm down during Green Velvet. The actual artists were class. Think the Jamie XX Presents was one of my favourite nights of the year. I'm just sort of reluctant to really praise it when the folk who run it are dickheads and they relocated away from the much better Victoria Warehouse for Store Street although that said if you're travelling down via train the venue is literally underneath Piccadilly Station which is handy.
  2. Fabric's had a reprieve from it's local council in London but entry is to be made much more restrictive with police trained sniffer dogs, increased drug searches and stricter CCTV on the premises. Looking back at the Arches' reaction to a death on it's premise I feel a lot better about our venues than I would if I lived down South. It's much more relaxed to get in most venues up here than it is down south in places like Sankeys or the WHP. Incidentally, has anyone ever died in Sub Club?
  3. I didn't notice that fucking autocorrect. ThanQ for ignoring it.
  4. You've got to laugh at Reynard's contempt for students when everything he says about nationalism and the SNP comes straight out of yer average first semester politics student handbook.
  5. You lucky lucky b*****d. Tried my best as my mates got in as well but it wasn't to be. Had to console myself at the PC music event on friday. Second WHP of the season next Friday. Jamie XX and John Talabot presents.
  6. If you've got Seasonal Affective Disorder or just feel much shiter in the winter with the day light being much shorter definitely invest in a light box. My girlfriend's got one and even ten minutes of it a day can really help combat that low mood that comes from missing out on any sunlight. Reckon my trouble sleeping will be alleviated when I nail this personal statement for uni and have it completed. Feel a little more confident about getting into a postgraduate but if not I'm gonna make an effort to find work that pays fairly decent so I'm not languishing in a shit minimum wage gig.
  7. Tbf pointing out someone's spelling errors is a c**t move anyway and makes it look like you're struggling to attack his points.
  8. Mental health services on the NHS are an absolute joke in this country. It took the best part of about 6 years and two suicide attempts for my girlfriend and the same amount of time and more attempts by a good friend of mine for them both to get psychologists, counselling and the full attention of doctors. It's a sad state of affairs that you either have to pay or repeatedly do yourself in to get the help you need. I'm lucky that I'll never get to that stage but even then it's frustrating to see many people and are just let go without anything really being done to help. I've found if you feel helpless in trying to find a solution you can sometimes do loads by just being there for them and listening to them. Sounds really obvious and too easy but it is a big help.
  9. Still worth seeking support, mate. Even a place to talk about your worries and to take advice on a range of things such as your money woes and your appearance. That said if you're self conscious about your appearance then just mind that your burd definitely thinks you're something.
  10. Don't feel like the shite that's getting you down doesn't count just cause other folk might be dealing with objectively worse things. If it's bothering you then it's worth looking at. That thought held me and still holds me back.
  11. I'm torn between applying back to uni in November but having to go through the process of applying and being interviewed so soon is overwhelming me but I don't think I can wait until 2016 to start the next part of my life and this thought process only ever occurs late into the night when I'm trying to sleep. Great.
  12. Aye I wouldn't mind paying for it either. A tenner a month for that and spotify would mean I'd have access to pretty much every mix and album I'm interested in listening to.
  13. Can see Gunther's tacky Ode to POF appearing when you first sign up.
  14. Just bought tickets for Joy Orbison, Boddika, Levon Vincent, Theo Kottis and others at Nightvision Edinburgh and DJ EZ at Liquid Rooms. That alongside the Bugged Out WHP means November is gonna be intense. As well as that I've got tickets for Erol in Dundee and Glasgow. The only thing I'm gutted about is missing the initial releases of tickets for Seth Troxler and Roman Fluegl at the Art School on Halloween and they're now going for 27+ quid.
  15. He sings all his own tracks which makes it that much better. HudMo and Sophie's Boiler Room's have went up in the past week and both are really good, if weird as f**k.
  16. "BeingACE" sounds like something those groups of weirdos who go into schools and lecture pupils on the dangers of smoking would say.
  17. DonnieDarko just been ditched or something I take it?
  18. Daniel Avery in Subby and Sneaky's was something else. Only downside is between him and the East End Social I might be too broke to go see Nina Kraviz or AME this month.
  19. The Last Big Weekend this Sunday. Looking to arrive for Sophie's set at 15:30 and then after that it's Optimo, Jackmaster, James Murphy, Hudson Mohawke, Jeff Mills then the organisers (Jackmaster, Spencer & Optimo) until the close. Cannot wait.
  20. A group of us (8-10) are planning on going for a meal together on Saturday afternoon in Edinburgh. Any recommendations out with the usual places (Nando's etc)? Already suggested KFC but was told to f**k off.
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