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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Todd Terje (live) in the Sub Club was out of this world. One of those nights where you feel blessed to have had a ticket.
  2. Those raging cybernats are keeping legions of journalists in jobs, how dare you.
  3. Thatcher described feminism as a 'poison' didn't she? Which is pretty clear cut. Again it's just dependent on what you believe misogyny to be. A lot of feminists I know frequently refer to 'internalised misogyny' and believe it's quite common among women and I can see where they're coming from again with comments like "I'm not like other women" etc. Also Roland B it is top trolling. He's got SNP voters and Yes voters absolutely fuming which I suspect was Cameron's intention.
  4. Again though it's almost definitely a troll from Cameron.
  5. If you're tribal then you can't change succession laws until you either feudalise or become a merchant republic which can be done by building your main capital holding to a level iv stone hillfort or the equivalent for a city. Otherwise if you're feudal and want to change succession it can be done by fulfilling criteria along the lines of reigning for ten years, having no vassals at war with each other and no vassals with a negative opinion of you.
  6. Well, internalised misogyny and so on e.g. women trying to seek the approval of men by claiming "I'm not like other women" or ingrained attitudes that judge other women to standards that they don't judge men to. I think we're probably going to end up splitting hairs here but I don't think a woman criticising another woman gives a man free rein to say what he likes or absolves him from any accusation of misogyny. But again I don't think much of the criticism towards Mone has been misogynistic.
  7. Women are capable of being misogynists as well, mate. This isn't me suggesting that what's been said here is misogyny just that's a pisspoor defence.
  8. She's been given this as a massive troll from David Cameron to the Yes voting demographic in Scotland. Fair play we've given him exactly what he wanted, we've played right into his hands.
  9. Shocker that Wings Over Scotland comes across like a roaster tbf.
  10. Aye I had a go at it once and it was cool to have a literal communist Byzantine Empire and the Golden Horde (which ruled from modern Ukraine to the farthest east of Asia and the edge of India) being dissected by the Great Powers.
  11. The converter for CK2 to EU4 is a great bit of dlc when it actually works. There's potential to play from 769 through till 1821.
  12. The thing is large bets go through the system and are usually double, triple or quadruple checked and sometimes checked between several stores.
  13. You do have a lot more ability to influence the game than you think. It just takes a lot of practice until you realise that. Marrying yourself to a powerful family is a must as a small dynasty. The first games are the best though. My first game I started as the Duke of Salerno, did nothing for a hundred years before I ended up marrying the female Basilissa of the Byzantine Empire. Inherited it when my character and his wife died before totally fucking it up, losing three quarters of it in independence revolts before being ousted and ruling half of the empires remaining lands as the Despot of Syria. Was great fun partially cause I didn't have a clue what I was doing.
  14. Hard to manage that when there's literally about 75% of the crowd doing the same thing. Gave it my best show and whipped out the poppers during Casio Royale. Had to bail when the maniac on the mic kept battering his way to the front though. Was pretty good regardless, I might slag off Subby now and again but the place has some atmosphere.
  15. It's not easy to ban yourself. I'm working in a bookies atm and self exclusions tend to only extend to several stores. That's not really going to stop someone who lives in a city where by and large their are dozens. I'm only basing this on Glasgow where I live but the sheer ubiquity of bookies (and multiple staff members and lax enforcement) means you can easily keep on betting. The documentary was weird and I think could have further ramifications for the industry. I wouldn't be against that tbh, although there is a lot of new regulations and rules in place such as the recent introduction of 50+ spending limits on FOBTs for unregistered customers it's still rarely enforced or easily subverted.
  16. Boiler Room with Denis Sulta and Dixon Avenue Basement Jams streaming live from the Sub Club tonight. Anyone get on the guesty? Me and a few mates did, should be class.
  17. "good grog" "kinship" we're speaking to an actual man from the 13th century.
  18. Was at Field Day on Saturday and Hudson Mohawke and Sophie tore it up. Think HudMo has hit his stride and could be the biggest hitter of the year, especially in a live setting. Unreal for a Glasgow boy.
  19. i thought he was about to do a Kane.
  20. aye I'm going on the friday how about yourself?
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