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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Mind he used to refer to gay people collectively as "the poovery"?
  2. Same here. I'm no saying everybody does it but I'm willing to bet it's far more prevalent than some people expect.
  3. I meant in terms of partying, 'caning it' and that sort of thing. What was the Greek equivalent of krokodil again? Saw it on Vice when it rose after the Greek economy collapsed. Horrific.
  4. The beginning of sertraline is TOUGH. I'm into the pill scene and so on and the closest I could describe the first couple of weeks was constantly feeling like I was rushing on ecstasy. Teeth constantly chattering, nausea all the time and really on edge constantly. I cut the dosage down to 50mg again and it settled eventually and I did start to feel more at ease. My friend started on 50 and was floored and vomiting constantly for days and she was too anxious to see anyone for over a week. I'm not sure what I would recommend. We both had a horrid time starting off but eventually settled in bit I think if you feel you have to speak to a doctor then go ahead.
  5. When did you go? I've heard the course has been quite revamped but it sounds really impressive and right up my alley. Still haven't heard anything though.
  6. I can't think of anything more normal in the UK at the moment than people taking drugs. It's the one thing we Brits probably do better than anyone else.
  7. £12.50 seems the norm up here which is irritating since it's less south of the border. I'm not exactly a connoisseur but I can definitely notice a difference in strains usually just by what effect it gives.
  8. Tiga on Thursday. Absolutely stoked for that Boys Noize remix of Bugatti to get dropped. Acid.
  9. Plenty of drug dealers (especially in university towns and cities) are just students trying to make more cash. Fair play to them, I couldn't handle the paranoia.
  10. You can get your hole aff some beaut here as well, m8.
  11. Didn't Supras refuse to answer Stand Free's question about whether he'd taken any drugs cause the police might be reading?
  12. Probably best to judge it by the response you get, champ.
  13. Never understood the lack of love for the first season of Breaking Bad. The episode with Walt and Crazy Eight in the basement is genuinely terrific and drew me in big time.
  14. I love the Sun all left wing media can get in the bin I'm voting Tory forever.
  15. Got on to one course already, lads. Still feeling heavy down constantly and shattered but one positive. At least now I've got moving out again into somewhere and having a concrete plan of where I'm going in life as well. Gonna wait and see what the rest of my course applications say first before I settle on one course as I definitely impressed at Edinburgh.
  16. Aye most people I know who went to HW loved it. It's a really underrated university. Applied for several PGDE Teacher Training courses this year and had two interviews so far at Strathclyde and Edinburgh. Just had an unconditional offer there for Strathclyde and I think I'm going to take it. As far as I'm aware all the courses have roughly the same content so I'd rather cancel my other choices and just go for the one I definitely have. Everything I've heard about Strathclyde's PGDE program has been really positive as well.
  17. I went on it a few months ago and it was much better for me than citalopram. Started again at new year and was floored by it for a couple of weeks but adjusting again.
  18. This year was my year off and I think I would have to take a long look at what I want to do but yeah, I guess. Cheers. I did do really well I'm just not sure if I'll lose out to the competition for places if most had already gone.
  19. Quite late since Ad Lib has already said he's discussing it but I do feel a university environment would be one of the most understanding places to disclose mental health problems as it's probably very common on campuses what with the amount of young people attending and the stressful environment. Had an interview for Teacher Training at Strathclyde University today to do History. It went really well I feel, definitely came across as one of the best candidates in the presentations as I was one of the few to stick to the strict time limit and he commented on my wealth of knowledge for the Curriculum for Excellence in secondary schools. I feel I nailed the interview as well and by all accounts I should have a place secured for the course which has around 26 places but it's the suspense in waiting to hear back that's stressing me out at the moment. There's nothing more I could have done. I definitely know that I did well but there's so much competition for these places and Strathclyde's the one I feel I have the best chance of getting into so I would rather hear back as soon as possible. I have an interview for Edinburgh University as well on Monday which I sort of applied to as an afterthought but I imagine competition will be much more intense for there. I'm sort of rambling but it's making me incredibly anxious waiting to hear back on something that's going to decide the rest of my life at the moment because I put everything into it and I should have a place but I just don't know.
  20. Simian Mobile Disco this Friday. So stoked.
  21. Yeah I wasn't that impressed initially in the first season. It wasn't until I was hungover in my flat one day and a mate was watching season 7 that I really got into it. Season 3 and 7 for me are the best but they're all tremendous.
  22. That's not even the first time she's got wasted and made out it's her child on her account.
  23. when ur mates are all talking about their numbers and twitter game and ur stuck with the other luddite wondering what the fuss is all about
  24. Is that how you solve being made to look like a stupid c**t by everyone?
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