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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. He read the word unionist and saw the SNP being slagged.
  2. Stick to the wrestling tunes, mate.
  3. I'm on Xbox One, sorry, Mr X. I'll probably reinstall at some point just a bit frustrating! Thank f**k it's a quick install.
  4. Shitgibbon is a crap twee insult. Just call him a c**t WTM.
  5. Stuck this on twice at a house party last night. It's an absolute belter.
  6. Got the DLC but the game isn't starting anymore. Checked online and nothing. Reckon I'm gonna have to reinstall the entire game.
  7. Moderat in about a fortnight.
  8. So into this. Surely to god they have to tour with Real Lies up here.
  9. From my limited experience nobody gives a shit tbh.
  10. The one-third split, for history at least, is only for the upper levels but most schools do focus on Scottish history in the BGE. There's a real debate around the Bruceification of history replacing the obsession with teaching the Nazi's.
  11. Naw I got the blade at the bottom but it just felt very anti-climactic.
  12. Talking down to folk for typing in their dialect is the mark of a middle class bellend and as we all know the middle classes are legit the WOAT.
  13. Not really. It promises something then just turns out to be a bunch of ghouls. Wow.
  14. You can say that about almost any mission. The Dunwich Borers one was by far the worst.
  15. She was asked to be on I'm sure but turned it down. Obviously. At least when Limmy turned it down a couple of years back he acknowledged its cause he reckoned he'd make an arse of himself.
  16. From what I gathered it's a more underground localised Pressure. It's quite decent but definitely very Glasgow dance music. One of the main artists: Ivan Kutz is a manager for Ladbrokes hehe.
  17. I can understand why they're reluctant to release full price (as in 50 quid at release) games but the selection has still been dreadful. Saw Xbox One is giving away Lords of the Fallen or something on the 16th which is not bad.
  18. Don't really see what the issue is if you can understand what he's saying. It's completely legible.
  19. I fucking love Pressure. It's got better since the Kokomo/ Bamboo crowd have got into techno and house. Some amount of bams fleein' on their first pill. So funny.
  20. Asked this before but does anyone have a good guide to the combat? I'm gonna start again and pay more attention to the tutorials because I am hopeless.
  21. Any idea when the super-survival mode is coming? I'm about level 32 on survival atm and am completely bored again of this.
  22. Remember travelling to Dunfermline about 4 hours after a night out and listening to this. So good.
  23. Maybe Dense and Pika on Saturday. George Fitz and Bonobo soon then probably Moxie/ Shanti Celeste and Ben UFO/ Optimo at the end of the month.
  24. It really has. I think the day I stop coming to post in here is the day I'll know I love myself.
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