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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. I've seen you post loads on here and Twitter and never clicked you were the same person. Assuming you're the right person, I enjoyed you getting Wings Over Scotland #telt a while back.
  2. I'm not so sure there needs to be more than America. They've barely scratched the surface of the post-apocalypstic United States. AFAIK they've only just scratched the surface of the New California Republic, its development and clashes with other factions. Even a Fallout set in the east of the US would be wildly different to the previous Fallouts in terms of the factions represented. From a business sense I don't see why there would be any incentive for Bethesda to move the series out of the United States when (according to http://www.vgchartz.com/gamedb/?name=Fallout+3) they've made more than half their sales of 3 and NV in North America.
  3. I've also read the rumour about members of Bethesda apparently photographing the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Thematically, the Fallout series seems to focus loads of attention on 1950s American society so it would be really jarring for them to suddenly move to Europe. It would be really difficult for them to tie events from the past games into a European based Fallout 4 as well.
  4. Very Rawlsian, I liked it as well. Really enjoyed Smith in this. A lot of the past two series have been held up by him being enjoyable to watch rather than great ending so I'm sad that he is leaving.
  5. Considering getting tickets for the Hot Since 82 night, that's just after my exam. Love this remix by them.
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SiiUivMxYDM
  7. Someone obviously has unless she's birthed the new messiah.
  8. A guy I follow on Twitter couldn't find a suit so rocked up in a formal dress instead.
  9. Really? Have to disagree, I think he has a great eye for spotting the best new music coming out. His own tracks released last week sound promising too.
  10. What was the DJ set like after? Saw the set times and thought it was a strange set up for a gig! PS: did you go formal?
  11. Busted out a selection of them moves at 2manydjs 2 weeks ago.
  12. Split up with my girlfriend last week and finding it a bit tough. Not so much about missing her or anything just it's coincided with a lot of uni work, winter and being skint so I'm stuck in a lot with no company and nothing to do. This thread's a great read though and inspiring to see a lot of people prepared to talk things over and help each other.
  13. Anyone tuned into the Red Bull Revolutions in Sound thing on Channel 4?It's a club takeover of the London Eye with 30 of the most important UK club nights getting a pod each and a live stream to showcase their own brand of electronic music. Link for those interested: http://www.channel4.com/programmes/red-bull?intcmp=homepage_main Was watching the Rinse pod with Skream, Benga and Katy B then a bit of Sub Club with Derrick Carter but stuck on Bugged Out! for Erol Alkan and Green Velvet. Didn't need a reminder but Erol Alkan is an absolute genius.
  14. I know a bookies employee that said the complete opposite to what you said.
  15. Think the problem with Club Doss is that when your title is fairly ambiguous in its meaning, to the point where two people living ten miles apart can have wildly opposing views on what it stands for, then it just doesn't have staying power. Dece on the other hand is a universally accepted term for decent. Something easy to understand.
  16. TRS is far too affable on here to be Dundee's equivalent of Morrissey.
  17. That was a momentous day for me. I used to wonder how everyone else could guess exactly where they had last read from for ages.
  18. James Arthur's (@jamesarthur23) timeline's good as he alternates between endlessly RT'ing praise for his music and moaning about people that think he's shite. Can see a proper meltdown coming soon.
  19. It's Hive. They would let a certain P&B poster in even if he resorted to his shite-throwing escapades again.
  20. The thing about schemes in inner cities like Glasgow is one short bus journey or taxi and you're right in the centre where there's lots to do and see. I'd far prefer that over living in somewhere like Leven which is just dead all the time.
  21. I had two bottles of MDece last Halloween and blacked out completely. It really is the best drink known to man.
  22. Someone's dubbed Tidus from Final Fantasy X's really forced attempts at laughing over the canned laughter on Big Bang Theory and it's worth watching.
  23. Hudson Mohawke's been announced as the headline act for the Numbers 10th anniversary party in Glasgow and London in December so hopefully getting a ticket for that. Him and Jackmaster are definitely two of the best heads in the game at the moment. Saw HudMo in the Port at Bestival and opening with this was definitely one of the best starts to a set I've ever seen.
  24. Aye, man. That and his "what's going to kill the House revival" are well worth a read. Definitely one of my favourite journos at the moment.
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