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Everything posted by NotThePars

  1. Anyone from Dundee know what bus runs to either of the cinemas? Much appreciated.
  2. My first semester English course only asked for 1000 words per essay and the first Politics assignment was 750.
  3. Tickets for MCR again February 15th & NME Awards Tour February 3rd Crystal Castles, Magnetic Man, Everything Everything and Vaccines!
  4. Pendulum was phenomenal! Such a trek to get there though, buses in Fife were cancelled, so had to get to Kirkcaldy for two completely packed trains to Edinburgh and then Glasgow, before two 25 pound taxi's to Braehead and back. Agree with the others, the lack of public transport is a complete shambles and the only good point was that people were allowed to remain inside the shopping centre and not have to stand in the cold. We got back to where we were staying about 1 o clock. The gig though was definitely worth it. The Island Part Two:Dusk and Blood Sugar were sheer carnage Encoder sounded fantastic, Different was a good surprise, Island Part One is just perfect and I managed to crowdsurf during Watercolour! Did anyone else notice Swire's synths cutting out during Slam? I thought that they timed them coming back on perfectly though as the whole place just erupted. Oh, and Hadouken! were shite.
  5. They played the Island in June and it's a single so it will definitely be played. Part Two might be shorter than usual, however. Rob Swire's also been tweeting recently about the tour saying that they've been preparing Comprachicos and Encoder, so they look likely to be played. A lot of people in Fife I know aren't confident of the buses running that day, they better be wrong
  6. I might know someone wanting a ticket, it might be tricky getting a hold of the ticket, however.
  7. Agreed, that song is still one of the best songs I've ever seen live. What have they been closing with, Encoder?
  8. The History exam went decent enough. Definitely have not failed so I don't have to chuck it:P Think I answered the question pretty well, however, I still suck at timing. I had to rush the last paragraph and conclusion by attempting to put too much analysis in. On the bright side, got an A2 for the second History Assignment and it's apparently been submitted to the archive and there's a chance of winning a prize I'm aware with an A2 (A1 clearly being the best) that I have no chance of winning but it's good to have known you've done well.
  9. Unless they've made a mistake with the zombies being missing then I assume that someone else came to his rescue.
  10. Yeah, how common is this actually? I was surprised to hear that we might not have unseen exams till Third Year but I assumed that was a common thing at university, certainly across the Social Sciences. Got a B1 for the Politics essay, reasonably pleased.
  11. History next Thursday Two of the four questions look appealing - "The most important revolutionaries were those with ideas not guns. Discuss" Or "'Where applied by historians to varied and dissimilar events, 'Revolution' is too often a term inaccurately used." Discuss. Not sure which to write on yet. Politics is in two weeks today And I have one more English essay to complete for the 6th and I'm finished till the 17th of January.
  12. Let's be realistic here... It's one of the best tv shows ever based on the first three episodes
  13. What's their new material like live? I really wanted to see them again, their new album is very good. Much better than Minutes to Midnight.
  14. It was really good, Way blew his voice out before the gig apparently so he didn't sound that great but the atmosphere was good despite some ridiculous over the top reactions from the crowd (screaming every time a guitar was being tuned or a roadie came onstage whilst tons of kids were fainting throughout the gig and before it). Just bought tickets for the NME Tour - Crystal Castles, Magnetic Man, Everything Everything & Vaccines and got Pendulum on the 1st December. Wish Sleigh Bells would announce a Scottish date for their tour though. They're even supporting MIA at several dates (which would be a great gig) but not Scotland. Oh, and seeing them again confirmed it... Twin Atlantic are shite.
  15. Modern Studies is possibly the easiest subject ever. Sat the Advanced Higher last year, gave up in January. Massive fail in the exam, however, they altered my marks in the prelim so I was bang on 50%. Dissertation wrote two days before deadline, scored 26/45 and got a C on appeal
  16. Boy I know got an A and 4 B's in 5th year and got an unconditional. I'm sure they're quite lenient, Physics is taught as part of the course and he hadn't sat it at Higher or got a Credit grade. And regarding uni's the people I know at Heriot Watt say it's decent enough, although it's in Riccarton I'm sure and it's a half hour bus ride to the centre of Edinburgh which sucks, the Union's been closed as well for redevelopment apparently. At Heriot Watt, I think you do Physics, Maths and Chemistry for first year. Someone who goes to Edinburgh says it's fantastic. Plenty to do all around and you can live just off the Royal Mile or in the centre of Edinburgh so you're not far away from anything. it has a few Union's I'm sure 3 or 4.
  17. It's only 40 pounds a year for Xbox Live, less than a pound a week. Or a fiver a month depending on what you prefer. It's not THAT expensive for what's regarded as the better service. From when I worked in Gamestation we were told to push the Xbox onto anyone interested in just gaming as the 360 beat the PS3 hands down in that regard, however, as a home entertainment system, the PS3 wins quite easily as it has Blu-Ray. Also, the PS3 has the internet but then most people have a computer anyway. So, yeah. This is the best advice someone could give, if he can play online with his mates then I apologise in advance as you'll never get him off it
  18. My friend goes to Heriot Watt and studies Chemical Engineering. He says the facilities are top notch.
  19. MCR tonight! Should be awesome. Will be going late though, Twin Atlantic are supporting
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