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Everything posted by sjc

  1. They did this (along with the British) with Japan for years in the run up to WW2 (Pacific conflict).
  2. Got my CT scan results back yesterday. I have to go back for a PET scan next Wednesday as I have inflammation in some lymph nodes in my abdomen which they suspect might be metastasis. Strangely my tumor marker was down in yesterdays bloods but still slightly out of range. The inflammation could just be a virus.....I'll find out the results of the PET scan next Thursday and we'll take it from there.
  3. I think it probably was shot down "in the fog of war" but my initial thoughts were of it being faked or even has the plane been taken over remotely? (Former Boeing pilot, Field McConnell confirmed that this has been possible since the mid 90s)
  4. Ukraine is in the process of making up with the Russians as they now realise that the EU doesn't want them and the US screwed them over in energy deals (both with the existing gas pipeline from Russia and energy expert Hunter Biden).
  5. Sorry to hear about the loss of your child, mate. Can't imagine how hard that would be to come to terms with. Try not to give in to the demons. Gambatte.
  6. You say that like the main stream media are some sort of bastians of truth telling. Douma gas attack for prime example.
  7. Sounds good. Have you read the forgotten soldier by Guy Sajer? He managed to escape back to Germany though.
  8. From the little I've seen of them, I'd say Hearts desperately need a: GK, LB, RB, 2No CBs, 2No CMs, LM, RM and a couple of strikers. Other than that, Hearts are sorted....
  9. I prefer a Religion that doesn't try to dominate people's lives...... can't think of any though.
  10. That's very much the plan for some people......
  11. So what would bombing the shit out of Iran achieve exactly? It wouldn't change the Country Politically. If anything, it would strengthen their (the Ayatollahs) hold Politically. If the US wants to bring about regime change they'd need to put boots on the ground. Iran, like Vietnam did, knows that they couldn't win a conventional war with the US so would engage in guerrilla warfare all across Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Iraq and Iran itself. This should terrify the American army.
  12. Giving up steak would rule out Hinduism tbh. I think Islam is the Religion for you mate. The Wahhabi form.
  13. Fair enough. You look more like Buddha anyway.....
  14. The point I was making is that they would still need to put boots on the ground into a Country, actually a Region, fully united in their hatred for the US. Conventional armies don't win guerrilla wars. Even the US wouldn't nuke Iran. They would lose the little Political support they had if they did.
  15. These advantages didn't help them in Vietnam, and Iran has a similar geography in that it's not very traversable in the main. When you couple this with Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Iraq all being majority Shia, US supply lines would be very vulnerable to guerrilla warfare.
  16. True.......funded by Wall Street no less. The fact that Congress suppressed the evidence he provided in his testimony at the inquest into the Banking Coup speaks volumes.
  17. You say this like backing out of a war with Iran is a bad thing?! I think the DNC pushing the distraction from their own failings in Russiagate and Ukrainegate united him with the hawks and they've played him ever since. The financial cost of a war with Iran matters not a jot to the Military industrial complex, financial institutions or Politicians. US debt is currently $21T and rising fast with QE in overdrive since September last year. As Major General Smedley Butler said, war is a racket.
  18. I'm sure the Kenyans did the same (withheld the BB from Boeing and the US) after their 747max came down last year.
  19. Either way, it doesn't bode well for Saudi Arabia's missile defence system.......supplied by the US. I wouldn't call the Yemani's "ragtag", they've successfully fought off the expensively funded and trained Saudi army.......with the bombing support from the US and British. The Yemani's are undoubtedly proxies of Iran, backed with their technology.
  20. Yeh I read that. I was half expecting it to have been suicide.
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