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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I have no idea what this means but, err, thanks mate.
  2. They are a great side but the comparisons are unfair when you consider the changes in football to what it was back in the 60/70/80's. It's the same when considering Messi/Ronaldo to Pele/Maradona You're talking about World 11's (sometimes even World Class squads of 25), better pitches, better (user friendly) matchballs, more subs allowed, far more stringent refereeing and laws on tackling. The great sides of the past were also restricted to 2/3/4 foreigners.
  3. I preferred American Hustle to be honest. Not saying WOWS wasn't a good film, just thought it was overhyped at bit.
  4. Mine. Sakura's we're all within range back at the start of December, thankfully. I've been feeling really tired recently and also felt a bit flu like (shivers plus brittle bones feeling) with a high temperature a few days back, so perhaps not surprising.
  5. Odds on someone in Section N throwing a dog turd at one of their own players at some point?
  6. How did it finish 3-3 if Willie Miller was reffing the game? Are you questioning Miller's allegiance?!
  7. Had a scheduled blood test at hospital today. Tumor marker came back at 52.3 with the threshold being 45. Was sent for a CT scan but won't find out the results until the 9th of January due to the holidays
  8. Try going away for Christmas together then you don't have to put up with either families!
  9. Worst Poster in the World 2019 award goes to...... @Oleksandr "What a c**t" @Bobby Skidmarksi "Spunkstain" @Addie "Shite threads" @everyone "Oxygen thief" @sjc Well done @Oleksandr you deserve all the platitudes coming your way....
  10. Are you sure he's not dead already and just been heated up a bit?
  11. It's almost as it someone put Munoz's only brain cell in the Hadron collider and set it on course for Romeo's........
  12. Apparently, Osaka has a big death metal scene.
  13. That's my mate, not me. I'm far more handsome.....
  14. In fairness, the "experience" varied wildly for you and the staff compared with those interned at the concentration camps.....
  15. Marched at gunpoint? Not so happy when the boot is on the other foot, eh Serge?!
  16. Re: moshing I have a video but can't upload it un/fortunately....
  17. Not unless you're au fait with the Shikoku death metal scene?!
  18. I met my mate for a drink last week, thinking we were going to a pub. Turns out it was a gig with death metal bands playing. Inaudible lyrics being shouted - check. Instruments being played to sound like gunfire/a bombing raid - check. Clichéd to f**k hand actions, dress sense and band names - check. What a load of shite - check!
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