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Everything posted by sjc

  1. As distasteful and self defeating as it feels I want Celtic to beat Rangers* at every opportunity in the hope that they disappear for good next time. Obviously this is only because of the absence of any non OF challenge. Getting rid of Rangers* sees Celtic regress significantly as we saw from 2012-16 and offers more hope of a realistic challenge to the other Clubs.
  2. I think you're confusing this thread with the "Stadium quirks" thread..........either that or your mind will be blown when you hear that man has discovered fire and the wheel.
  3. Rangers* losing the Cup Final despite dominating the game. Rangers* losing the Cup Final to 10 men. Rangers* losing the Cup Final and Morelos missing a penalty. Rangers* losing the Cup Final to an offside goal. Rangers* losing the Cup Final and being denied a stonewall penalty. Rangers* losing the Cup Final and Ryan Jack's in tears at FT.
  4. It's the hope that kills you, Rangers*.......and not just holding companies.
  5. I'm no fan of Corbyn, but why do you wish him dead?
  6. Perhaps the Poster in question identifies as Spanish regardless of the Country of his birth or family heritage........
  7. Our dog took his first shite outside last night, much to the delight of my wife. I on the other hand, was derided for doing the very same previously...... #doublestandards
  8. Wasn't the same platitudes laid upon George Foreman when he became World Champion in the 70's? Not that I'm saying that Fury/AJ/Usyk are on par with Ali but Wilder is far from unbeatable.
  9. Shit Club merchandise thread for this pish.
  10. Hearts are so shite at the moment that even Scotland could beat them whilst looking like Brazil 1970 in the process.
  11. Official Rangers* toilet seats, for those who want to be staunch whilst they haunch.
  12. Hard to believe that she started out in Christian "rock"........
  13. 4 pages in and not one mention of Eugene Thundercunt. You disappoint me P&B.
  14. I've discussed with my wife about the possibility of our daughter wanting a tattoo when she becomes a self conscious teenager to cover her surgical scar. I wouldn't be against it as long as it was tasteful tbh.
  15. Surely the correct thing to do is not comment either way until after the defendant is convicted/acquitted?
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