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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I'd love someone to create one with the old school European competitions and foreigners rule.
  2. Being a billionaire isn't the problem. It's when billionaires use their wealth to "buy" influence in Governments/Politics. This is why the dice becomes loaded in their favour.
  3. I seem to remember Stockport being far worse than this back in the 90's!
  4. Didn't Halloween originate in Ireland?
  5. Probably explains why you're such an angry individual. Anyway, in Japan they follow the American Halloween theme where all the teachers dress up.
  6. I work with kids. It's a prerequisite not a choice.
  7. Now you mention it, it probably is worse than Christmas for wastage as not everyone will have a Halloween party every year, therefore folk are more likely to chuck decorations out than store them. I got a decent quality costume this year so will definitely be keeping it, although will probably just buy a different mask next year.
  8. Waste? In terms of what? Material?
  9. There was a Halloween party in town on Saturday night, which my mate went to. A mutual friend went like this:
  10. I've had 6 different Halloween parties this month with the various language schools I work at. I obviously didn't wear my mask for the kindergarten kids as it's too scary for them but a 9yo boy did piss himself and cry.....
  11. I played futsal for 2 hours on Monday night, it's now Thursday and I'm still absolutely knackered. Good though
  12. True but that's been said about Arsenal since 2006 to be fair.....
  13. Is there a graph or chart showing how each constituency voted?
  14. How does that pan out in terms of parliamentary seats? Apologies, That's what I was getting at.
  15. So, given your opinion above, do you think the recent opinion polls will be reflected in a 2nd Independence referendum?
  16. Arsenal need a major fucking clear out. Without trying to paraphrase Roy Keane, there's no leaders and a serious lack of character in their dressing room.
  17. I'm not sure his joke was intended to be taken literally tbh....
  18. I've been banned from buying Christmas presents for my family in the UK as "it's easier for me because I have a UK bank account". I personally think they're at it...... They could have at least waited until I was dead before forgetting about me!
  19. The problem for remain is that only London, Scotland and Northern Ireland voted as such. Far more Parliamentary seats voted to leave. Will that be reflected in the upcoming GE?
  20. I'm curious to get folks views on what effect "voter shaming" will play in the next referendum? We've seen it used since the last referendum, Brexit, in America with Trump's election........will it genuinely change people's voting or will they just keep their true voting intentions private? Has this been a factor in any polls?
  21. Have you thought about playing him as a winger?!
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