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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Hearts could appoint Pep Guardiola and sections of the home support would be demanding the ball be humped into the opposition box from 70yards!
  2. Gary Caldwell should stick to what he's good at..........signing on.
  3. Apparently, you struggle to get hard......7 or 28 days later!
  4. It's neither disagreeing or criticising, it's debating. I wouldn't say it's off topic when the points made above are not just the reason why the majority voted to leave but also highlight where the EU superstate is failing and where we're witnessing growing unrest within other member States. Major change is coming to the World as a whole. The fiat currencies are being dumped. A return to the gold standard? Cryptocurrencies? That remains to be seen.
  5. We witness this very same race to the bottom with sectarianism by the extreme elements from both Clubs regularly.
  6. I bet you STILL couldn't supply 60m3 per hour.......
  7. In no way defending Dindy, but I saw a fair few Celtic supporters on twitter yesterday/today, using the "cover up" story much in the same way Rangers fans did previously....
  8. That's completely melodramatic in all honesty. The EU are just as concerned about the World's 6th largest economy leaving. (I read that it's the equivalent of 27 smaller member States leaving). Germany is now in recession, Deutsche bank is on the verge, France has been protesting for nearly a year, Italy is now doing separate deals with China, Hungary and Austria has swung Politically to the right......that's without mentioning the last EU parliament election results. The globalists neoliberal project is leaving too many people behind. It's falling apart. My main concern is swapping one set of globalist neoliberals for another, albeit UK based
  9. Scotland hasn't voted in the previous 3 (or is it 4?) Governments......but that's not how the UK constitution works unfortunately. I believe that Scotland voted no overall in the 1974 referendum to join the EU......so how does that play out?
  10. So you pick and choose the democratic vote to suit yourself? Sounds fair.... FWIW: I'd have voted remain myself but to ignore the reasons behind the results is akin to that of Trump being elected.
  11. Would you be saying the same if Scottish independence was at stake?
  12. Are you saying that the referendum result shouldn't be adhered to regardless of a deal?
  13. I was caught in this very cycle until I left the construction industry.
  14. I can see no good resulting from me making any comment on this.
  15. In fairness, it happened over 200years ago. We still have Muppets marching up and down the streets in honour of a battle that took place over 300years ago!
  16. I don't follow anyone. I don't see the point.
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