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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I agree with a lot the points you make, particularly the ones about a lot of men bottling things up and not talking. This is even more the case the further back the generations you go in my opinion. As I stated earlier, I've raised my head above the parapet before with a good friend whose girlfriend was cheating on him and paid the penalty. My best mate no longer speaks with his own sister after he told her about her husband doing the dirty. Self righteousness aside, the loss of a good friendship still makes sad. And I know my best mate feels this way about the breakdown of his relationship with his sister.
  2. To an extent they are, after years of taking one another for granted and going through the motions they can evolve into being built of habit and/or familiarity.
  3. It was more in reply to the "give him a good shake" comment....... you're right though, virtue signalling isn't probably the correct terminology.
  4. He is your mate though right , I mean I can speak to my mates more or less about anything so something like this I'd be able to get off my chest. I love how everyone seems to think rational thinking applies in situations of this nature..... I'd also throw in drink, drug, gambling habits........some people just don't want to admit even to themselves that they have a problem.
  5. Fair enough, even if your virtue signalling was all in vain.
  6. At the end of the day, Scotland shouldn't be expecting favours from anyone let alone tier 2 Nations in order to qualify ahead of another tier 2 Nation in their group. It's in your own hands Scotland, in spite of your spinelessness against the Irish. No excuses acceptable.
  7. Never forgiven us for that 1991 QF.....
  8. You can't fault Japans attitude, just like v SA in the last world cup, they're gutsy as f**k.
  9. What would you say if he told you if was f**k all to do with you and that you knew nothing of his home life situation?
  10. I thought Japan were pretty poor against Russia tbh. Never saw the Ireland game though.
  11. I'll have two horses in the race come the Japan v Scotland game...... I can't lose really!
  12. What was that yellow card for? Late tackle?
  13. I don't think Argentina have ever shaken off the "thugs" tag from the 80's when that boy got sent off early doors at Twickenham.
  14. No, they've been packing down with 7 most of the time. That'll be the reason then! Thanks.
  15. Not surprising really given they are a man short. Have they not put one of the backs into the scrum?
  16. If you're interested in the relatively recent history of Spain, this documentary is worth a watch. Might give some of the places you visit more relevance...
  17. Argies being destroyed in the scrum!
  18. Was it a problem in Durban in '95? I can't remember if it was but Durban is very humid too.
  19. Surely if timing was the issue, same rules apply for the Argie?! Definitely a yellow imo.
  20. England lucky to keep 15 men on the park there
  21. It can take a lot of guts to open up about your fetish desires with your partner.....but also quite liberating and rewarding. f**k it. Life's too short imo.
  22. Some people prefer other flavours to vanilla I guess.
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