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Everything posted by sjc

  1. They did give me a job playing a POW in a movie last year....
  2. They make excellent products though. That's the most important thing. That's the Chinese these days. Are you suggesting they all look alike?!
  3. Damn those octogenarians coming up an showering my daughter with praise and attention. Hell mend them for not using the politically correct terminology to describe her ethnicity!
  4. Come on home mate. You dont need that in your life. ( dont go to Inverness however we found another racist ) Not sure if this is a whooosh tbh.....
  5. He wouldn't last 5 minutes out here without his irn bru!
  6. So they should just stick with aw kawai and then maybe asking what her name is rather than being racist. Then how would they find out if her mum was Japanese......... before telling me to f**k off back to my own Country?!
  7. They usually say "aw kawai" which means "aw cute" then ask if she's "hafu". My wife gets asked the same when she's out with her without me. I'd have to want to be offended as there's certainly none intended.
  8. Can't they just call her by her name ? Why would they mentioned the word hafu? They're complete strangers. They don't know her name. She gets a lot of positive attention because she looks different.
  9. I hide it well in fairness. What with the Japanese wife, half Japanese daughter, moving to Japan and learning the language and culture....... fucking hate the "Japs" me, though.
  10. No it doesn't. My daughter is called a "hafu" (the equivalent of "half cast" in Japan) on a daily basis by sweet, well meaning elderly people. There's no offence taken because there was none intended.
  11. I personally wouldn't intentionally use any racist language but I don't necessarily believe using sure words makes someone a racist. This is where context comes into it.
  12. You did it Throbber, didn't you? Go on, just admit it!
  13. They're just dotting the i's and crossing the t's before the announcement.
  14. The new Ayr Utd manager. Don't fight it, mate. It's happening 100%.
  15. I think "context" is the key in all this tbh, regardless of language.
  16. Check the carbon monoxide levels in your house.
  17. People that don't turn on the heaters full blast with the windows rolled down when having car problems.
  18. The problem with this is that the old UEFA Cup had more "glamour" ties due to there being more English/Spanish/German/Italian clubs involved.....which brought about the current UCL format with the help of TV money. IMO make it: Champions - UCL League Runners up - UEL Cup winners - ECWC It'll never happen though.
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