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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Sport is littered with these kinds of rule anomalies, from the Italians beating the USSR in the Euro68 SF by the toss of a coin to manipulation of the substitute rule in cricket in order to keep bowlers fresh, to boxing scorecards. Granted, World rugby made the error of having the tournament here in typhoon season but would have been criticised for having it anytime between December and April (when the weather is more suitable), for ruining the 6 Nations or Club season. Moving the games is easier said than done as most of the venue's have been affected by the typhoon. Not to mention that the infrastructure has taken a battering.
  2. I suspect World rugby might use this as an argument for their rejigged yearly schedule that was voted down a while back. I can see the benefit of their proposals, particularly for the tier 2 Nations but it does risk completely ruining the 6 Nations.
  3. Have a bit of perspective guys, very early reports say 4 dead, 17 missing and hundreds injured. The typhoon has affected over a dozen Prefectures, with one region having 16 of its rivers flooded. Add to that, the structural damage with bridges, buildings and electricity down it's a testament to the Japanese people that the game hasn't been cancelled already.
  4. Typhoon hitting the mainland now. Lots of rain prior but now comes the winds too. We're all ok. Typhoon has missed Matsuyama thankfully.
  5. I kind of hope he bites her too but the wife would want to get rid of the poor thing if he did. That's exactly how she treats him!
  6. We got a dachshund puppy last month. He's only 3 months old so he's still very small and I'm having problems getting it through to Sakura that she needs to be gentle with the wee guy. f**k me, she's like Lennie from "of mice and men"!
  7. I'd rather listen to Pol Pot, Idi Amin or General Pinochet's views on Scottish football than this pish. In fairness, those 3 would probably do a better job of running the game than the SFA.....
  8. June is wet season. It's also 37°C + not to mention high humidity. November-April would be the best weather for a WC in Japan. That doesn't tie in with the World rugby calendar though.
  9. It's difficult to say, especially for me as where I live, we are always told we're going to get hit when a typhoon hits Shikoku/Honshu, but we invariably never do! That said, the one that hit Chiba last month was pretty destructive. People died and some areas still don't have power back on yet. The typhoon is definitely coming, I could feel the change in temperature and pressure this evening. Will it remain on course or lose strength (as they usually do) over land remains to be seen. The Japanese people definitely want the game on as a matter of interest.
  10. In fairness to the organisers, although it is typhoon season, we have had an unusually high number of them hit the mainland (Honshu) this year. Normally it's Okinawa that gets hit by them. Okinawa is a 4 hour flight south of Tokyo btw, so it's not like it's just down the road.
  11. Absolutely, I have nothing but respect for those that signed up in WW1 & WW2. Doesn't mean they weren't politically motivated wars though.
  12. You're not far off but I'd recommend you read "the secret origins of World War 1" too. A fascinating and well referenced read.
  13. Again I don't disagree with your sentiments but people talk about the Nazis like they invented fascism. They got a lot of their eugenicist ideology from 1920's America, where forced sterilisations of undesirables were legal in 20+ states. Not to mention Hitler was funded to power by the likes of Prescott Bush (yes, father of Bush 43, & grandfather of Bush 45), Paul Walburg and the rest of the banking elite. Don't think WW2 was any different from WW1. Major General Smedley Butler was right. "War is a racket" *just to be clear, I'm in no way defending the Nazis btw.
  14. He'll be claiming that it was spilled Rioja, no doubt!
  15. Is it true that he knocked f**k out of Granny Danger in the pub?
  16. I know we all post about it every year, but as far as I am concerned any sense of duty to the poppy fund will die with the last world war 2 veteran. They are the people for whom I believe we have a duty of care and owe a debt. After that, the UK govt have sent soldiers to die in politically motivated conflicts and I wont be a part of paying for it over and above my taxes. I agree with your sentiment but you should read "The secret origins of World War 1" if you think that WW1 wasn't politically motivated.
  17. I don't disagree. Cricket has to deal with this shit all the time. Having the Sapporo-dome on standby would have made sense but baseball is fucking massive here. Rejigging the fixtures to have the expected "dead rubbers" towards the final group matches perhaps?
  18. I agree that it's a shit situation. The other option is to condense the group stages by playing Sat/We'd but they'd need massive squads for this.
  19. Reported for bigotly.....
  20. Fair point but there's a good chance they might get cancelled too!
  21. Might have been possible pre-1945.... Japan and South Korea are in the middle of a trade war at present....... highly unlikely to come to Japan's rescue on this one!
  22. The World rugby calendar dictates when the WC is played. If the game is to grow beyond the traditional tier 1 teams, Japan and Argentina need to be given the tournament. Perhaps they could have had fewer qualifiers (4 Nations per group) and factored in spare days but that's hardly fair on the lower ranked Nations either. Tough call.
  23. Are you actually aware of the geography of Japan? It's a big country but it's mostly mountains and forests, with most of the population condensed into Tokyo, greater Osaka (Kyoto, Nara, Osaka), Kobe and Shizuoka.......these Cities are all in close proximity to one another. A bit like Scotland's central belt in many ways. They could move the game to Hokkaido's Sapporo-dome but the baseball team is playing there this weekend. Hiroshima and Oita like Matsuyama is getting hit by the typhoon. Where do you suggest they move it too?
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