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Everything posted by sjc

  1. I'm happy for you to correct me if you can.....
  2. What would I know, I'm only a qualified structural engineer......
  3. Probably because your team is winning......a few defeats then they'll come!
  4. Have you been reading "The secret origins of World War 1"?
  5. True. The melting temperature of steel is 2750°C, far higher than the burning temperature of jet fuel. Steel will lose half its strength at 650°C. Worth noting though, that only 3 structural steel frame buildings have ever collapsed in this mode due to fire.......all of which happened on 9/11.
  6. I don't think that's true. Many people (not everyone, admittedly) question what their being told by the news/government etc.
  7. Take your tinfoil hats off folks, not all conspiracy theories are just theories.... Proven/admitted CT's: •Operation Gladio - Nazis sympathetic to the Allies "stayed behind" enemy lines in the Warsaw Pact Countries as spies. •Operation Northwoods - Proposed false flag attack on US citizens to be blamed on the Castro in order to provoke a war on Cuba. Was discussed at Presidential level but never happened. •Bay of Tonkin attack - Attack on US Warship that escalated the Vietnam war. •USS Maine - Warship blown up in Havana harbour blamed on the Spanish to escalate the US -Spain war to drive the European empire out of the Americas. •MK Ultra - CIA program using various methods and drugs as a form of mind control on military personnel as well as unsuspecting members of the public. Any more? Let's hear them!
  8. Who was the Aberdeen Poster that had a penchant for jigsaws? His meltdown and subsequent banning was amusing. Wasn't there a Liam'll paint it of him doing a jigsaw too?
  9. Don't bother reading War & Peace, mate: Napoleon invades Russia and marches on Moscow. Hindered by the huge supply line, bad weather and the Russian army's "scorched earth" policy, his troops suffer terribly. Napoleon is chased all the way back to France defeated. I think that just about covers it all.
  10. Having any European prize monies (UCL/UL) go into the League prize money would stop a dominant Club from pulling too far away from the rest. Wastecoatwillies head would explode too!
  11. @Addie has had the entire forum on ignore since starting his "Best Poster" thread.
  12. I far as I'm aware, Mickey Quinn isn't on P&B but I happily have the fat c**t on ignore.
  13. Your Dad would beg to differ.....
  14. Which leagues could feasibly be merged? Everyone seems to assume Spain and Portugal but I bet most supporters of Portuguese Diddy teams would be of similar opinion to that of Scottish diddy team fans in terms of the Scottish leagues merging with the English leagues.
  15. The threads on Rangers demise in 2012 gloriously united P&B in a way that could only have been bettered had Celtic simultaneously self imploded at the same time. Mores the pity, eh?!
  16. Are you seeking someone to fill the void left by Rab in your P&B postings?
  17. In that case, you'll be getting thrown out of the Liberal Democrats....
  18. Surely having pooled revenue which was split evenly would be easier to implement than a salary cap. It would arguably create a genuinely level playing field. Can you imagine the seethe?!
  19. Restrict all clubs to: 18no players >21yo 18no players 18-20yo 18no players 16-18yo Perhaps even a return to 4 foreigners rule. Agree that a salary cap wouldn't work, although would like to see Clubs work within a % of their turnover.
  20. What ever happened to Eoin Doyle?
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