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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Given that Iraq, where their bases are, is majority Shia (like Iran), missile attacks should be the least of the Americans worries. The prospect of a guerrilla war umpteen times the scale seen in Afghanistan or Iraq (initially) should terrify them.
  2. Nah, they'd have been named encased in a bridge abutment then.
  3. Don't get me wrong, I agree with what you say in principal but when you've got people living out of food banks and 40% of America's homeless despite being in full time employment (I don't know the UK figures), principles go out the window, so i wouldn't be so quick to judge. FWIW, I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford the choice and choose along more ethical lines. I'd also encourage others in a similar financial position to do the same but understand not everyone can.
  4. I tried reading that book back in the 90s but gave up. Far too depressing. From her attributed quotes, she sounded like a bit of a manic depressive.
  5. It wouldn't be gradual though. As soon as it didn't become profitable for farmers they wouldn't keep the livestock. You see this with veal in the UK at present.
  6. Saving them from what exactly? A prolonged descent into extinction? Also, are you aware of the numbers of livestock involved? For example, there are more sheep in New Zealand than people! An expensive exercise in virtue signalling for someone.
  7. Or struggling for money...... It's also worth pointing out that you probably already do buy caged hen eggs indirectly via their use in products such as mayonnaise, etc.
  8. Who would be paid to keep the cattle, let alone keep them separated? What benefit to humans would be gained from it if we weren't using their meat or milk? Economically, this would drive a mass cull before any ban on their use was implemented. Wouldn't this be effectively driving a species towards extinction? How ethical is that?
  9. You're getting my house confused with my wife's!
  10. So can dogs but have you ever witnessed the amount of strays in third world countries?
  11. My Dad is good friends with a retired butcher (he owned his own shop). About 10 years ago my dad was a passenger in a car that hit a deer a couple of miles from his house. The animal was fucked, so my dad went and asked the butcher if he could put it out of its misery. He did better than that......he took it home and processed the meat for eating!
  12. I could have worded that better! I'd arrange with the farmer to buy a box of various cuts of meat (lamb or beef) whenever he was taking a cow or lambs to the butcher for his own consumption. He'd also sell livestock at auction too.
  13. The vast majority of farms will sell their livestock at auction but not all of them and there's nothing to stop you buying directly from them and taking the animal to the butcher yourself. A hassle but possible.
  14. Ask your local farmers where who they sell their livestock to. The bigger farms will probably supply the supermarkets but the smaller farms are likely to use local butchers, like the farm which my house near Alyth does. I used to get lamb and beef directly from him, via the butcher obviously.
  15. His immediate leap to Le Tissier's post resulting in peoples replies being detrimental to his "mental health" was particularly pathetic, given the amount of abuse he dishes out.
  16. That's perhaps why Hugh fucked off with that hooker......
  17. Doesn't necessarily rule out fat vegans....
  18. Apparently it's far worse in the US. Employees are barred from blowing the whistle on the practice also, according to Joe Rogan. Hence why the only meat he now eats is what he hunts himself.
  19. Whilst this is true, every single US President since WW2 could (and probably, should) have been tried for crimes against humanity/war crimes. Number of Us Presidents since WW2 = 13 Number that have actually been tried = 0
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