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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Yeh I was a bit disappoint at the United fans for not staying as they're normally better than that. Was a nice touch the Saints fans applauding the United team up to collect their medals. I said exactly the same regarding the podium position........you can always trust the SFA to fcuk things up I suppose!
  2. Thought Saints deserved it in the end. Uniteds time will come. I had a great day at the game......was in the same hospitality as Tommy Wrights family so was delighted he came up with the Cup after the game.....got a nice pic of TW & me holding the Scottish Cup on my FB :-)
  3. ^^^This......hope you're alright mate. Keep your chin up.....you'll get through this
  4. My mate has had to pull out of coming to the game on Saturday.........I now have 2no Corporate Tickets!
  5. He'll certainly not be in charge of navigation......remember he wanted to sail her to Dundee!
  6. you can go to the bingo with Granny Danger & Sergeant Wilson in that case....
  7. Let me get the boat refitted first! Have agreed a price today with a guy to repaint the boat.....but getting the job done is very much dependent upon the weather as I'll be fcuked if I'm paying or sailing the boat to a covered dock! Oi! and less of the middle aged!
  8. Nah mate.....they were Thai twin sisters!
  9. I still have no idea about most nautical terms to be honest! Yeh.....am pretty sure Kelpie is up here at Leamington Wharf at the moment.......although there's a new Dutch style barge boat here that is getting all the attention at present.......nice piece of kit
  10. ^^^I echo this including the congratulations. Thought the centre halfs looked good as well as Telfer, McKay and the striker that came on as a sub looks like he has potential......big, strong & quick.
  11. Brain Stimulation May Treat Severe Depression Better Than Meds May 7, 2014 | by Lisa Winter photo credit: Helen Mayberg/Emory University/NIH Share37.6K Tweet139 18 Reddit2 45 About 1 in 10 American adults experience depression. Anti-depressant medication is often the first course of action, but about 40% of those with depression are not helped by that approach. A new study from Neuronetics has revealed that Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) could be a beneficial option for some who have not been helped by medications. The study results were announced this week at the Annual Meeting of of the American Psychiatric Association by Mark Demitrack, Vice President and Chief Medical Officer of Neuronetics. TMS works by using targeted magnetic pulses similar to that used in an MRI to stimulate the brain. This stimulation encourages blood flow and activity in the area of the prefrontal cortex responsible for regulating mood. Initial treatments requires five 37-minute-long sessions each week for about 4-6 weeks, with some using monthly maintenance sessions. The cost of the treatment averages out to about $1000 per month, though some insurances may cover a portion of it. The study compared the TMS Outcome Study and the landmark Sequenced Treatment Alternatives to Relieve Depression (STAR*D) study. After the initial phase of treatment, 53 percent of patients experienced a reduction or remission of their depression symptoms, compared to 38 percent from the STAR*D study. Following the first six weeks, the TMS group was randomized into two: one group receiving monthly maintenance treatments, and one undergoing monthly observations while getting put on a different medication. In the group that received additional treatment, 62.5% continued to see a reduction or elimination in symptoms three months later, compared to the 43.8% in the group that was just observed monthly. The most common side effect from TCM is mild pain at the treatment site, though most patients only experience those headaches during the first week. Because the treatment is localized instead of systemic (like oral medications), patients are spared from many side effects such as nausea, fatigue, and changes in appetite. Over the last 15 years, about half of the patients who have been treated with TMS have seen a meaningful reduction in their symptoms, while about 35% have gone into remission, Popular Science reports. As with most studies, there are some points that have invited in criticism. Roughly 90% of all TMS patients continued to take anti-depressant medication during the study. The study was not blind as doctors and participants knew which treatment each patient was receiving. Additionally, the TMS group that received monthly follow-up treatments was not put up against a placebo group, as the other group was receiving an alternative treatment. Read more at http://www.iflscience.com/brain/brain-stimulation-may-treat-severe-depression-better-meds#lQO0Fe75El6z7hy8.99 Can understand this.......I've had a really tough time over the last 6 months with anxiety and depression but after busying myself with innovating my boat redesign and a change of job I finally feel the fog lifting
  12. I forwarded the email to TGO (the outdoor gym manufacturers) who sent this onto the Council: Hi I thought I would drop you a quick email because Mr sjc has informed me of the progress he has made to getting a TGO gym installed for your whole community to use J. We believe we provide the greenest, safest and strongest outdoor gym equipment on the market. We are recognised as the quality brand for outdoor gyms, so you won’t find better value for money equipment. We have a fantastic range that we think your community will benefit from - see our 2014 brochure by clicking on the link. You will be able to download the PDF from this link but if you would like me to send it to you please let me know. Our supply only prices for our packages can be found on our website here just click on the package you are interested in and the price will be at the top of the page. I have attached our supply, install and grass matting package prices to give you an idea of what a fully installed gym would cost. I have also attached a funding document which might have some other options you could use to secure funding? SAFETY - You may be considering different options and suppliers at the moment (don’t worry, we forgive you, we know it is standard practice for most J). But the differences between suppliers specification may not be clear. The MD of TGO, has been working on the standards of outdoor gyms with the BSI for over three years and will be on the steering group for the European outdoor gym standard. The TGO team has put together the comparison document for you (attached) which impartially explain the key differences between BSI PAS888 compliant outdoor gyms, DIN compliant outdoor gyms and those not covered by a standard. Download the TGO story presentation here – all the facts and figures about TGO outdoor gyms, including our record with customers. Show it to parks and leisure teams, community groups, local residents, schools and colleges, universities – anyone with an interest in outdoor exercise. Hopefully all the information you need and more is within this email. Please have a good look through, and feel free to give me a call (01322 314 966) if you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you J This is a summary of TGO and why we are greener, safer, and stronger: Greenest - We tree plant for every piece we install with the NHS Forest. We also have a new range that generates electricity from people’s workouts. Click here to see our latest green energy products and installs. Safest – We are the ONLY company with outdoor gym equipment on the market suitable for both over and under 14 year olds, by complying to British Standards Institute (BSI) new specification for outdoor gym equipment – PAS 888, meaning all of our equipment is free from crush, shear, and entrapment points which ensures the safety of all equipment users and non-users (people near the equipment)! Read more here: http://www.tgogc.com/Why-Choose-TGO.Html#safer or see the comparison document attached. Strongest – Our equipment is designed to be strong and make you strong: All of our equipment is 100% designed, manufactured & assembled in the UK using British Kite Marked Steel & we are the ONLY company to do so, which also gives preference to UK workers! We load test our equipment to 2x the maximum user weight and 3x that of indoor gym equipment! Our equipment has been designed by Fitness Professionals, Safety Experts & Royal Marine Personal Trainers. click here to view our how to use demo videos with our TGO Trainers Shanie & Tony who will go through each piece of equipment step by step, showing start and finish positions and giving you great tips and techniques to get fit. Kind Regards
  13. Received this email from the Council regarding my enquiry about an outdoor gym in the Meadows: Dear sjc Regarding the e mail below and your interest in an outdoor gym in the Meadows, I can confirm we would like to put in a gym in the Meadows, but unfortunately don’t have the funding at the moment, but we are working on what grants might be available to fund a gym for the Meadows , I am also working with members of the Inch Park Sports club who are applying for a grant to fund a outdoor gym for Inch Park, this is still at an early stage , but if that funding is secured ,hoping to have in place in the Inch Park for 2015 . Please get back to me if you require any further information at this stage.
  14. How fcuking dare you! No chance mate.....I'm even reluctant to stay on board! No bathroom, no kitchen, no running water.........it's a proper shit tip atm!
  15. That's good news. I hate how people think they can just withhold monies due when you've already done the job.............happens more than you think yet its always the "cowboy builder" stories that get reported!
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