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Everything posted by sjc

  1. Not really. You're ignoring the word "discreet". An open relationship, yes, you'd be correct.
  2. Even if they were happy with the situation. ie in an open relationship?
  3. Teardrop explodes - reward https://youtu.be/h9YYVS4CvhE
  4. Always best to say nothing in my opinion, for two reasons: 1. As pointed out previously, there's a tendency for the messenger to be shot. And 2. You don't know what goes on within someone else's relationship. Some people have discreet open relationships (for a variety of reasons) on the basis of "don't ask, don't tell" with their partner, whilst at the same time not openly wanting to humiliate them. So my advice would be to say nothing to nobody.
  5. I love that smell first thing in the morning......
  6. Do any painters and decorators have any advice on what products to use in order to remove creosote from uPVC?
  7. Nope, I'm still none the wiser. What are you whittering on about? Where did I say that? I said that words (language) without context or expression are meaningless and wide open to be misconstrued. Political correctness, whilst I agree in principal. ie not prejudicing anyone on the basis of sex, race, religion, sexuality, whatever is however boxing free thought/speach into a corner. You don't win an argument by muting someone.
  8. Ayr Utd can't afford Clarkson or Morgan and Hopkins isn't interested in the job. McCoist it is.
  9. True. Have to admit that I prefer your slapstick humour where you're getting beaten up tbh.........
  10. I was only 60kg at the time, so it already looking like I'd been working on their railway!
  11. I'd have seen you flying overhead. Not to mention the big fucking mushroom cloud you caused!
  12. I'll be round later for that game of 3d chess.....
  13. ^^^Crystal meth is a hell of a drug, kids.....
  14. Combine the two quotes and it's very relevant. Language is just words without context. Political correctness is a form of limiting the spectrum of language regardless of its context. That's the point I'm making although I thought a smart guy like you would have picked that up.
  15. Are you kidding me?! Japan was closed to the entire World until 1860. Mixed marriages definitely have a taboo history. Therefore "hafu" definitely has been used in detrimental terms.......but not in the instances regarding my daughter.
  16. It's the language barrier, mate. He ment "c**t" so he was half right......
  17. "language is innate, or in other words, we are born with a capacity for language. Language is so complex, with an unlimited combination of sounds, words, and phrases, that environmental learning is not able to account for language acquisition alone." Noem Chomsky
  18. Does it make it correct? If it's good enough for Black people to use the N word.......
  19. In what way, shape or form were they calling her impure? You're the only one that's suggested that, you inferring racist, you!
  20. There's nothing contextually racist or abusive in what they're saying. My wife isn't offended by it either and she has experienced real racism.
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