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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. If both Hatate and CCV are fit then we should be strong enough to see this one through. Being hinted at Abada being available but I’d imagine he would only be good for a sub. What was a bit more positive against Dundee and despite Kyogo missing a couple of sitters he was on the move again and we we were finding him so that will click at some point, hoping that he doesn’t pop MJ in from the start as reward for his 2 goals, stick with Palma and Maeda and the bring Abada on for his obligatory derby goal
  2. If that’s the case I’m glad as he’s a show pony who has done f**k at Wolves so far. He’s also not a striker he’s a no 10 so it’s an interesting one as it’s puts him in a bit of a fight with Cantwell over both the position he wants to play and the hairdryer. Also the last thing we need is another loan project.
  3. You have nothing to apologise for mate honestly, unless you interact with me often you would have no way of knowing any of that . I’m quite open about it now which wasn’t always the case and like I said going to the football really helped me get back out, socialise and have something to look forward to and be happy about. Over time i then began to see more people where going to the football really helps them with their mental health or overcome loneliness etc however it doesn’t mean that because football helps you in some way that you then get a free pass to sing or shout what you want.
  4. It’s clearly an issue that upsets a lot of people so I don’t see any merit in not being engaged in the conversation about how it should be tackled, fan dialogue is important however it can’t solely be down to the fans to solve and I don’t see a way that it can with fan action alone. I take the other posters point about being worried about more invasive measures being implemented however if the appetite is there to truly rid the stands of any offensive behaviour/singing etc then I think the only thing that will make clubs and fans act is something punitive.
  5. Mate when I came out of the forces with a MD for combat related PTSD I was an absolute fucking mess mentally. One of the things that really helped me was getting to the football and watching my team and for 90 minutes it helped me escape the absolute madness that’s in my head and it still does to this day. I can’t really explain it in a way that will ever make sense to you because much of the time it doesn’t even make sense to me however that’s my illness. Life isn’t simple nor is it binary, going to the football for some people is massively important, there are a couple of older guys on our bus who are now both widowed and going to the football is about the only social interaction they have with anyone, I couldn’t ever imagine challenging them to give it up due to a few fannies who can’t behave themself. That doesn’t seem fair does it? You are however very much entitled to your opinion which I will obviously respect
  6. It’s a speculative figure based on what I’ve seen written elsewhere I can’t confirm it’s accuracy however I do know people that have been on a waiting list for 5 years +
  7. Whilst I get the principle many fans aren’t going to boycott matches as it’s a pretty significant cost at £700+ a season and if they give it up then there is currently a waiting list of 20,000 waiting to prise it from your grasp meaning it’s 5-10 years before you get a season ticket back. Why should the normal fan be punished so severely? The solution is the clubs, the league, the police and the government developing a backbone and coming up with some sort of offensive behaviour bill that allows for banning orders, sanctions, the club being banned from competing in the domestic cups or points deductions. No one wants to see that happen and it forces those supporters to make a choice where there is a real and tangible impact.
  8. Fans do call it out and it falls on deaf ears as they just don’t give a f**k.. Fans however aren’t going to sort it out on the stands because the last thing anyone is going to do is start piling into a mob of 100 or so, if you think that’s the solution then you have been watching too much of the Football factory, Green St etc so let’s really think about what you are advocating here? Fan violence? Really…..? The majority of people just want to escape the drama of their lives by going to the football not start it with a bunch of entitled, backward thinking fuckwits. As for anyone calling someone a shitebag for not sorting it out themselves clearly has never been in a situation where they have had to defend themselves from multiple people, no one should ever be expected to put themselves at risk. Tend not to bring my cape to games mate and the Batmobile draws a bit of attention parked up the Forge
  9. Nah just Celtic posters retweeting it, some of them are fucking mental too tbf Also good to see you’re now taking fan safety concerns seriously
  10. Thank f**k, my Twitter or X timeline is full of Rangers fans complaining about how Celtic get an extra day and a bits rest before Saturday. Back to the drawing board for pre-emptive excuses for them if they fail to get a result On a serious note fan safety should always be the most important thing
  11. Sorry if that came across as me targeting you, sincerely I wasn’t it was just because you raised the point but there are people who completely adhere to that way of thinking. I’m also quite lucky that my circle of friends now that I’m a bit older are quite diverse with the teams they support.
  12. Can’t remember exactly what game it was last season however my lad had come up with hospitality tickets for the No 7 suite so spent that afternoon in close proximity to them and heard them start to belt out RITG, couldn’t believe it as I hadn’t heard that in years. It also didn’t best please some of the fans in front of them who a few were telling them to pack it in however as you would expect it descended into a bit of a fracas. Bunch of try hard wee fuckwits, wouldn’t be one bit bothered if they were emptied. Said many times on here I don’t go to away games due to how toxic it has become over recent seasons but it does seem easier for some people on here just to adhere blindly to the belief that just because you support Celtic you have to be a bigot or an IRA sympathiser despite what you say or how you act on here, it’s a shame.
  13. What have I said on here that is remotely bigoted or are you just making things up again? Genuinely never known a poster to just post anything despite the fact he knows it’s utter fiction. What a fanny
  14. Wtf you on about? If the suggestion is I’m prone to justifying sectarianism or glorifying the IRA then considering I’ve had direct conversations with you on here regarding my feelings on the matter, my military history and the fact I wear a poppy every year and the specific reasons why then that’s quite the take.
  15. For being right? He has been honking today. One day you may get one of these right.
  16. The SPFL haven’t made any statement on it as far as I’ve read so until they do I’ll take Rangers version with a considerable dose of salt especially as it can’t get its own story straight
  17. Hard to break a rule where the parameters aren’t specific as reasonable can indeed mean zero Secondly you say Celtic refused to produce evidence in time but it says failed to which isn’t actually a refusal, accuracy is important The Rangers statement also contradicts itself by saying Celtic didn’t supply enough evidence which suggests Celtic didn’t refuse anything. It also doesn’t specifically state if there was a fixed deadline for Celtic to do so and if that deadline was set by the SPFL or is it just when Rangers wanted it by? I see Celtic have now responded https://www.celticfc.com/news/2023/december/19/celtic-football-club-statement/
  18. They can’t get themselves into the stadium nevermind have a say on who else does
  19. I did try tell you there would be no fans at Celtic Park for this game. The rule says a reasonable number of tickets need to be made available but what if that number is in fact 0? What determines what is reasonable and what isn’t?
  20. I’m not angry as like I said we have seen this movie before, what I am however is exasperated. We spend money but it’s how it’s spent that’s the issue, we seem to want to bring in a project, someone who “might” be good in a season or twos time with the aim to cash in what we never do is bring many in who are just ready to go and able to improve the starting 11 with the net result being a huge squad with little quality outwith the first 11 and a few of that first 11 below the standard we need I.e. Hart, Taylor, Scales, Palma and a few others. If our board was ambitious we would take calculated risks and really have a go at Europe, we “should’ be able to win the Europa League using Rangers 21/22 as a barometer, it should be possible and we go from there but we don’t and we won’t. We will continue to do the bare minimum to keep ahead of Rangers but that plan will at some point fail just like it did in 20/21 so I don’t agree that Celtic fans are happy to be humbled in Europe, I’m not happy watching that This Celtic team should and probably will still win the league if and only if the board wake up in January and clear out the dross and replace with players capable of pushing those first team players who are becoming complacent or just aren’t good enough
  21. It’s not just the results it’s the manner of them, when was the last time you saw a Celtic team look this toothless? Many still haven’t forgiven the board for not matching Rodgers ambition in his first spell which led to the lazy Lennon appointment which blew up badly. Yeah they may have bought a little grace with Ange and the subsequent success that followed as it looked as if it was going somewhere however with him leaving, bringing back PL, another lazy managerial appointment and a car crash of a transfer window well we have seen this movie before. We are sitting on all this money, spend a fair chunk of it, substantially more than anyone else and still end up going backwards and being worse for it whilst watching clubs of similar size do well in Europe and us being kicked about like an empty tracksuit
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