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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. A little but when you dish it out like I do then you need to take your medicine when you lose so….
  2. Then you might want to start a new one or get your giggles here as that other one will cheer me right up and you can’t be having that surely?
  3. Some pearlers in there mate so not sure you want to dig that one up. Full of diddies writing off Ange as a binman, how the J-League and their players are no better than our Championship, Ange sacked by Xmas and how he isn’t in Brendan Rodgers League etc etc.
  4. I already replied earlier that our shape doesn’t look quite right and players look off it hence the overall performance however dismissing the difference someone like CCV makes in that team is silly. You saw it at the tail end of last season when we came off it and you see it today. The rat patter however wholly unnecessary
  5. The regulars on this thread are still here mate, it’s just that the regulars aren’t Celtic fans Now away to find myself some ice and a cushion after that arse skelping today
  6. Yeah I agree with most of that. We lacked any fight and Killie beat us to everything, not a decision in the game that I felt was contentious we were just beaten and pretty decisively. It’s a wake up call to fans and the players who think we can just rock up and then have a divine right to win. Been a long time since I’ve seen McGregor have such a poor game and also shows just how important CCV is. We look a completely different team without him which is a concern, tbf we just look like a different team
  7. I’m good mate thanks, knowing that when Celtic lose the first thing that goes through both of your minds is me has properly lifted my spirits You should start charging me rent
  8. Much needed reality check given there. We have dropped off significantly since last season, the shape just doesn’t look right. Well done Killie, by far the better team today and if they keep playing like that they will shock a few
  9. And yet somehow Jack Hendry has went on to play Champions League and pocketing a mint in Saudi
  10. What part of me saying that I disagree with the level of risk isn’t me saying there is no risk to Rangers fans at Celtic Park couldn’t you understand? I also replied to your video saying all you have done is confirm fans aren’t safe at either stadium and you still come out with a shite like “it’s just Ibrox that’s a bad place” You either just read the first paragraph or just can’t grasp the concept that both stadiums aren’t safe to away fans but the risk and threat can and are different, which is fine and that’s not your fault probably due to your limited experience of it. What is your fault is an inability to read a post fully which makes discussing most things with you these days somewhat pointless. See you at Celtic Park or maybe not
  11. I disagree with the level of risk because you are more vulnerable at Ibrox due to the threat that comes from both sides and elevated positions and home fans being in closer proximity to the away fans so a higher level of countermeasure becomes necessary. Disagreeing with the level of risk, threat and vulnerability isn’t me saying there is no risk at all to Rangers fans at Celtic Park, there is a discernible difference albeit one you clearly don’t get but that’s not your fault.
  12. There is a higher likelihood of me stepping on rocking horse shit than you skipping any post on a Celtic or Rangers thread mate
  13. Not quite sure I can do that in under 50 words however I appreciate your belief in my abilities
  14. Trust me lads it would take a lot more talent than this forum has to offer for that to happen but my dandy pal here already knows that
  15. Rumours are he is for the off with Torino looking to grab him. Unsure if there is a potential attitude issue however it’s a concern that we can’t retain or migrate a lot of these kids into the 1st team. The Daniel Podence from Wolves rumours seem to be gaining momentum. Lewis Hall going to Newcastle so that squashed rumours of KT going there. Some Arsenal fan outlets claiming BR wants KT back at Celtic but with Timber injured Arteta may decide to hold onto him now anyway
  16. All you do there mate is confirm 700 fans can’t be safe in either stadium so instead of posturing over whose fans are more cunty or the actual allocation you should be looking for a solution that allows us to attend and enjoy the games safely
  17. Make them in Khaki mate and you have a nice little earner as I’m sure the GB will lap them up
  18. I didn’t say it did have a bearing mate that was completely different point altogether And I disagree regarding the risks, if you are at Ibrox and at either edge of the section you have fans above you, you don’t at Celtic Park. You also have protection from the big f**k off poles ( that is a joke btw) and I don’t know if Celtic have agreed to do the same, I assume some promises are made by both parties however Rangers have currently not fulfilled theirs
  19. If you really wanted our fans to attend these matches you wouldn’t have made the dumb as f**k move to slash the allocation by 7000 and putting this ludicrous merry go round into action. And it’s beyond the pale to suggest Rangers would try to create some sort of sporting advantage? Do you know your own history mate? But this is just me speculating, I have no idea if Celtic will do this or not but if they do I imagine this will be the point they will leverage. And to answer your question around other measures, the suggestion is Rangers apparently agreed to put up a Euro style net to stop bottles and missiles being thrown and have told Celtic they won’t have it in place for this game despite it being agreed.
  20. I’m not actually trying to create any expectation of reciprocity at all, I know what the rules regarding ticketing are, it’s not a point I’m debating at all. The question was asked as to what reason would Celtic use to try withhold ticketing allocation for the game at Celtic Park. I’m giving the reason that if Celtic do try withhold tickets it’s for the reason I suggested. They will see it as Rangers deliberately creating a scenario that gives them a sporting advantage. It’s up to the SPFL to decide if that flies, not me
  21. Mate this is really simple and you don’t seem to get it. Rangers agreed to put in certain security measures to allow Celtic fans to attend this game, they haven’t done it which is why there has been a refusal. Celtic will see that as unfair and possibly deliberate as Rangers would have known we would refuse the allocation on that basis and despite knowing that still want to take their allocation despite not keeping up their end of the agreement to keep fans safe So concerns around Ibrox have a massive bearing as Celtic see Rangers deliberately engineering a scenario where they benefit from an Ibrox with no away fans yet get the benefit of away fans at Celtic Park
  22. Celtic are refusing the allocation because Rangers haven’t put in the promised steps in time for this game that would keep our fans safe. You asked for the reason we would potentially not offer Rangers an allocation and I’m assuming that will be it, due to failed promises meaning our fans can’t attend safely. I’m not interested in a tedious debate about it I’m just answering your question
  23. Failed security promises that would allow fans and staff to be bottled inside your stadium will be my guess like in previous games If we are forced however to give you an allocation what is reasonable if 700 is considered generous? 50? 100? 250?
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