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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. You are clearly at it too. Taking a page from the Benny shite wum playbook
  2. Yeah it seems the London media has a different view. Still citing other names especially as it appears Enrique is going to rebuke Napoli and significant fan resistance.
  3. It was a more a general point but I remember you dishing out strikes when we lost to Hearts and having a wee chuckle
  4. No mate that’s just for you due to the fact you continually post utter nonsense
  5. You found it amusing when he arrived so not much changes then
  6. Ofc, the 10 million a year on offer will have no bearing whatsoever
  7. Yeah he’s a cracking coach, plays really attacking and attractive football so he would be my number 1 if the manager goes, he is also someone I think could improve us going into Europe also. I do have this worry we do the typical Celtic thing and bring in someone like Broony, I love the guy but f**k no.
  8. Ange didn’t come here claiming himself a lifelong fan like Rodgers did, he has come in and done a great job and if he does go he goes having proved a lot of experts in Scottish football wrong. I hope and still thinks he stays as there is an element of EPL snobbery that means they often look past managers up here nevermind one is also an Antipodean and in this case I hope they do however wouldn’t hold it against him if he does go. As for a replacement Rodgers is a no go for me, it’s a step backwards and that didn’t work with Lennon so let’s not do that again. I would want someone like Kjetil Knutsen
  9. Not yet, big day on Saturday. World records to see and all that jazz
  10. It doesn’t translate into trophies, medals or superior spending power though which all kind of matter especially in Glasgow
  11. From what I gather those organising did ask GCC about the possibility of placing some skips in the area but were told no
  12. Some laugh knowing we have the dandies cheering us on
  13. If 10 people were arrested then I’m sure the behaviour of those 10 people merited it. What I’m unsure of though is why you need it to be said and more specifically why you need me to state the obvious to you?
  14. Calling out what Benny? The arrests made on Trongate on Saturday were fewer than made at an Orange Walk in Govan the same day . I also failed to detect any deployment of riot police either so the celebrations seem rather mild to some that have happened in years gone by but like I said I wasn’t there I‘m also not sure why you need my opinion on it either or why you need to constantly mention me, it’s kind of weird man
  15. I wasn’t there Benny I was in the Kerrydale after the game then back to the local for a party.
  16. Great day and night yesterday. Aberdeen clearly couldn’t be arsed however it was good to see us play something that resembled our normal and now to look forward to the cup final. On a side note pleasing to see Spurs not make Europe which makes that job seem at least a tad less attractive however the manager does seem to value legacy so still positive he’s the man in charge next season but I guess we will know better after the final. Well done to the Ghirls too
  17. Last 3 games we have lost 2 and a drew 1 which is a couple of poor results and I’m not quite seeing what you suggest will happen. Sounds like wishful thinking
  18. He will leave at some point that is inevitable however he doesn’t strike me as a man that would work well with Daniel Levy. It effectively needs someone to be Levy’s puppet which is why so many are turning it down I also don’t think the Spurs faithful would be too pleased bringing in a manager from the Scottish Leagues considering their current predicament. I’m not too worried tbf
  19. You can’t wait for him to go can you? He lives completely rent free in that empty vessel of a skull of yours
  20. Yeah just a double won at a relative canter and a treble possible. He should clearly be doing better
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