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Everything posted by Jinky67

  1. No they aren’t because it’s hypothetical and based on purely opinion because the notion of having a competitive league without redistribution of current wealth is an ideal which is allowable as an option. Is it realistic? No but none of it is but he asked for my opinion….not yours But thanks for not letting me down and being the first to comment on what my opinion should be. I should have just asked you to write it for me?
  2. Ok fair questions so let me stick my head on the guillotine 5/10 - I can appreciate the tedium of the current status quo for fans of the other teams however I’d be lying if I said winning feels good no matter how many times you have seen it happen before. Last season was up there with some of the best seasons I can remember for enjoyment and I suppose that’s the key - do I still enjoy it and the answer is yes. I can’t explain that but they are in some way all a bit different 8/10 - Absolutely, stronger competition domestically forces us to also be better which can only benefit the Scottish game and help us do better in Europe. This is something I’ve been quite open about that a big thing for me is to be able to see my team win a European trophy again. I do remember watching Dundee Utd/ Aberdeen in the 80’s doing well in Europe and rooting for them. I’d love to see other clubs in our league reach those levels again. 0/10 - just not something I can get onboard with and I know this will not land very well but we are now talking about sporting integrity and fairness and there has to be better ways to address this without it being made to feel you are being punished for being successful. 5/10 - Again this depends on what we are talking about here. If it’s a case of redistribution of all revenues that it is just a flat out no. As I’ve said a bucket list wish of mine is to see Celtic win a European trophy again and significant re-distribution of that revenue will make that in my opinion an impossibility. If Celtic/Rangers were forced to redistribute all revenues this way it would then diminish our ability to compete or even qualify so those European revenues in a few seasons just wouldn’t be available to redistribute so in that sense everyone loses in my opinion, I’d much rather see clubs do better at this level than it become even more of a pipe dream than it is currently. Sharing of domestic TV revenues, prize moneys etc and I’m aware this pales into insignificance when compared to European prize monies but I do think UEFA are part of the problem here with the revenues offered and required to compete. A hypothetical to prove such a point would be that if Aberdeen had to finish 2nd and this season and qualify for the Champions League. The money they receive would put them out of reach of every other club for years. There has however have to be ways to generate more domestic revenue that are explorable to increase the pots available for equal share or could there be some sort of European trickle down payment based on us improving our co-efficient or performance related bonus for the league, let’s say Scottish clubs make £50m of revenue from European completion there could be some sort of multiplier bonus paid out that increases the further a club from that league goes so the club performing retains the revenues it earns but is earning for their league too. What would be realistic in terms of what % of revenue is kicked back and shared amongst the league I don’t know but imagine a 50% revenue kicker back to the league if we happened to win one? it’s a really difficult question to answer. Legally I imagine it’s a monster change of legislation to enforce redistribution of wealth in just Scotland without it happening in all UEFA territories. You also have to get Celtic/Rangers shareholders to be onboard and that’s very unlikely to happen. Other possible things to be looked at is our TV deal, I’ve said many times it’s shite compared to what other countries of equal size can get. Someone mentioned before there has to be opportunity to grow that into other markets though but we have already started such as the Japan TV deal that all clubs profit from with the interest in Celtics Japanese contingent. Yeah it somewhat forces a transfer policy but it’s also marketable. Other things such as wage caps, squad caps, restriction on foreign players. When it comes to loan rules we loan a lot of our players out to other Scottish clubs, allow these players to play in all games including against their parent clubs and I already mentioned UEFA revenues being changed to give a significant performance related kicker back to the parent leagues. Failing that we are talking about Super Leagues and Celtic and Rangers leaving the Scottish game Tried to be as honest as I can be and leaving myself wide open to critique and no doubt MT telling me what my opinion should be however debate is always good if it’s well constructed. I have to be honest I can’t say I do not enjoy my team winning, people say it must be boring or feel hollow but it never has but I don’t take it for granted either. I remember us being pish, very pish but I was still there and will always be there no matter how much or little success we have in the future. Good question though, really had me thinking
  3. If you want wealth distributed then how much there is to distribute is very much an issue if you want to grow the league to be successful.
  4. You want wealth distribution and revenue sharing so surely increased chances of regular Champions League participation is a good thing or is it just more important to you that Celtic do less well?
  5. The current TV deal Is indeed laughable when compared to those in other European counties of a similar size. Some Scandi countries effectively double what our league receives.
  6. It’s a red card, his foot shouldn’t be that high ever but it is accidental ffs
  7. There was no intent he wasn’t even looking in the keepers direction when he went for it.
  8. Firstly keeping Celtic and Rangers in the league will ensure the league is never as competitive as you want it to be…..ever and it never really has been hence why 85% of all Scottish league titles have been hoovered up by them. Yeah there was a bit of false dawn in the 80’s but 70% of those titles went to either Celtic or Rangers The best you will ever get to a position is where the gap is closer is where you limit the number of foreign players they can have, impose a wage and squad size cap Whilst you think this inflates the price of Scottish players well that only happens if they are any good and it forces Celtic and Rangers to buy from YOU meaning they are paying a higher price for a player that may be of lesser quality than they could have bought abroad and YOU profit and the money stays in Scotland. I’d imagine Celtic and Rangers spend a higher % of revenue on wages than anyone else so that narrows a wage gap as a starting point It forces us all to bring through more Scottish talent however which also benefits the national team as kids have a clearer pathway and a better shot. You only want to see the potential negative which I understand because what you really want is to have your cake and eat it and that is either see Celtic and Rangers effectively killed off or for them to leave, the bi-product is a more competitive league for you but just say that. The only real feasible solution that appeases everyone is that one day Celtic and Rangers join some sort of future Super League but is that really realistic either?
  9. I don’t believe I asked you to. You do realise have the right to also not reply?
  10. Do you honestly envisage a situation where clubs like Celtic, Rangers and to a much lesser extent Aberdeen and Hearts are going to buy into a proposition that says in 5 years your revenue will be slashed to around a tenth of what it was? What CEO on earth is selling a proposition to their board that cuts their revenue streams by 90% and make themselves financially vulnerable so they can fund a more competitive league for 40 other clubs. Ultimately that sort of plan feels more like a plan to kill off the big 2 firstly or force their hand to leave more than it’s a plan to rebalance. There are more practical steps if you look back to when the league was more competitive Our TV deal is a joke compared to countries of a similar size where if our game was sold better we could easily split that equally. We could reimpose salary caps as a % of revenue earned. We could limit the number of foreign players in our starting 11’s. We then can look at infrastructure around ticket prices to try get every stadium full. You seem to think I’m against the idea of making the league more competitive, I’m not but what I am against is a proposition that takes my club back to 1994.
  11. You said in your post to pool all revenue and cut it 42 ways across all SPFL clubs. That’s pretty to easy to understand I also don’t need to be Archimedes to work out that would be a disaster
  12. Now I don’t know exactly how much revenue comes through Scottish football but let’s for talking sake says it’s around 500 million which is a significant over-estimation That makes turnover split equally to around 11-12 million each so effectively you bankrupt Celtic and Rangers, Hearts and Aberdeen lose a little and everyone else benefits for a couple of seasons In a season or 2 you lose 150 million from the pot due to you killing your 2 biggest clubs and then that snowballs killing off other clubs season after season as revenue dwindles. You didn’t think that one through
  13. Fantastic. An on the spot fine from the vocabulary polis.
  14. I decided to read your post again based on your reply. And the conclusion I came to was it’s still moonhowling pish.
  15. No you have laboured the point in 2 or 3 of your posts about him loosing 22 games in 2 seasons. It’s pretty clear the allusion you are trying to make and it has the square root of f**k all to do with his age. And if you think Celtic is a relatively pressure free job then clearly you don’t pay much attention. The pressure to win pretty much every game domestically is massive and to not just win but win well.
  16. Your first mistake was quoting MT and expecting any sort of debate that would appear logical.
  17. The full repertoire of toe rappers including songs about Tommy Burns, Broonies sister and the Famine song and the only one you wish they would stop is the one about Bobby Sands?
  18. I see you repeating this as if it somehow really matters. The J-League is a much more competitive league than ours so perfectly plausible he would lose more games than in Scotland however that win % is somewhat akin to what Brendan Rodgers had at Liverpool and bear in mind he was just but a slip away from winning the Premier League so any manager coming up here from a more competitive league barring the likes of Guardiola and Klopp is likely to find managing such a domestically dominant team a novelty. I’m sure Tuchel and Poch found that out when they went to PSG To Celtic fans all that matters is how he does he here and the big fella is doing just fine.
  19. Aberdeen or more so Goodwin shat it. Aberdeen fans should rightly be fuming with the last 2 games. Rangers need to sort themselves out too, they are fucking shite at the back just now and if you are relying on Scott Arfield to dig you out a hole then the outlook is a tad bleak
  20. Oh ma fucking sides banter defending from the other team playing Hibs
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